This Friday, I am heading down to Memphis with Chainlink photographer, Ronit Bezalel. We are going to do a lot of riding as well as checking out the bike shops and the local bike scene. 

Any suggestions or "must-see" sights we should check out while we are down there? Restaurant recommendations would be super helpful as well. Thanks!!

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Have never been but hoping to go this year--have fun!! And post any must-see places for cyclists that you find! :)

Graceland is the only "must-see" location in Memphis. Whether you're an Elvis fan or not, the "mansion" is an absolutely astonishing time capsule from the late 60's/early 70's. If you're unfamiliar with his work or his achievements in the entertainment industry, wait until you see the Racquetball Trophy Room, where you'll see most of his 90 gold, 52 platinum and 25 multi-platinum records. There's a reason he's still making in excess of $55 M per year almost 38 years after his (alleged) death. And as an added bonus, SPOILER ALERT: Elvis is buried in the backyard.

If you care about American music, do not miss the Sun Studios tour.

I recommend the FULL tour at Graceland.

Thanks Michael, I was able to get through. :-)

Check out the Pyramid.  Used to be a basketball arena, now a Bass Pro shop.  It is more set up like a wildlife museum so you can practice with the stuff they are selling.  Haven't been there myself, just opened this spring. 143 Beale St, Memphis, TN. MLK Jr's last hotel room, the bus Rosa Parks was arrested on, the burned bus from the Freedom Rides.

Rendezvous BBQ. Bit of a tourist trap, but I've always enjoyed it.

Neely's Interstate BBQ

neighborhood ain't great but food is.

Thanks for the great recommendations... especially the BBQ recommendations (I love BBQ). 

I'm really excited - my contact in Memphis is organizing a ride for us on Friday night to meet the local cyclists. This should be a pretty great weekend. I'll come back with a ride report, pics, etc. to share. 

The Pig on Beale St. was fun, albeit a bit touristy. Tasty BBQ.

Beale St. at night is quite the party. Great people watching. Good tunes spilling out of lots of places.


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