What I find most frightening about this video is how malicious this is. The motorist purposely drives on the shoulder to hit the cyclist, causing the cyclist to crash. Why? Just evil. I hope they catch this person and prosecute. It's scary to think we are sitting ducks if a motorist does something like this.

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I think there's a possibility that this is a distracted driver. Even when the vehicle first comes into view way down the road, it seems to be veering close to or over the line. Could be someone on the phone, texting, reaching for something, etc. The horrible end result is the same either way. That cyclist is really lucky to be alive.

This morning, while driving, I saw the driver in front of me lurch to the right and run into the curb (on a busy street with fast car traffic and no bikes).  I was so happy there were no cyclists nearby to be hurt.  Be careful out there - a large percentage of drivers are not competent/not paying attention to driving.  If you expect every driver to be a moron, you will often be correct.

I'm going to agree with Jim that this may be a case of distracted driving. The uploader on Vimeo says that the driver stopped and a police report was completed. I'm assuming a malicious driver wouldn't have stopped and waited for the police.

Either way, it's very scary and the cyclist is lucky to have only suffered "minor" injuries.

Thanks, both of you, for clarifying. Seeing the videos of the motorists pushing cyclists from their cars, I probably reacted more strongly seeing this and assuming the driver aimed for the cyclist. Agreed, either way, this is incredibly scary because there is no protection from this happening. 

After my last comment, I checked out the comments on Reddit, including those of the victim, who miraculously suffered no serious injuries. The driver, who did stop, was geriatric, pushing 90 according to the cyclist. Not to be an ageist, but that certainly may have been a factor. There comes a time when you just shouldn't be driving any more, period.

Agree. That is a horrible driver. 

Whether malicious,  distracted or incompetent the driver caused this crash. At :16 it is very clear that 7CCD112 is the license plate number. I have to assume that some measure of justice will be served. An interesting note is the rider's choice to use his/her Go  Pro facing behind. That was a good choice.

I'm hearing and reading about more and more cyclists doing just that.

Why does it seem to me that the bigger the car, the worse the driver?


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