Sad to say, but I have to cancel the duration of the fall, and likely all of the winter bike tours while I recover from a broken collarbone, sustained while foolishly attempting to race cyclocross.  Anyway,  sorry to do this, but I'll need some healing time.  All fall passes were replaced with multi-ride passes and all sold rides will be immediately refunded. 

See you next spring!

Cheers - Lee

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Bummer. Hope you heal quickly and accurately!

So sorry to hear about your injury, Lee.  Get well soon.  Going to miss you and the rides.

Hope you have a speedy recovery Lee! 

Hope you heal soon, without pain, Lee.

Wishing you fast and thorough healing with minimal pain. See you back on the bike next year!

Sorry to hear about it, Lee. I hope you heal up real soon.

I was so sorry to see your email, Lee.  It sounds very painful.  At least you have the winter to heal instead of this happening at the start of the summer, though I'm sure this is little solace for a year-round biker like yourself.


I'm looking forward to the relaunch of Chicago Velo in the spring!

Foolishly attempting? Naahhh... get well soon!

One day I hope to join you. Get well.

Bummer! Hope you have a speedy, full recovery.

  get well soon...see you in Spring...Jerry

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!


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