Where and how can I transfer from the Brown Line to the Green Line without exiting and re-entering the terminal?

I'll enter the Brown Line at Kimball shortly before 7:00 AM on a weekday.  I know I can stay on the train and avoid the 7-9 AM bike-on-trains prohibition.  I'll be taking the Green Line to the Cottage Grove terminal.

There are two stops downtown to transfer.  Do both have elevators to transfer between the trains?  Do they both work going back north when I return?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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You should be able to transfer from Brown to Green without leaving the system at any of these.

Clark/Lake is accessible.

Sate/Lake is NOT accessible.

Washington/Wabash is accessible.

Adams/Wabash is NOT accessible.


Washington/Wabash would be most direct for your southbound trip (less off-route travel). Either that or Clark/Lake is fine for your northbound trip.


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