The Chainlink

Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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Please don't antagonize.

h' 1.0 said:

Are there any updates on this? This question was asked over two hours ago.

Why the information black-out?

Duppie said:

Thanks. Did you ever get a reply from her office?

My first attempt was to deliver it in person, but the office refused to accept it that way.

I mailed it on Thursday, the 7th but was notified by the Post Office that the office was closed when they attempted delivery around 3 PM on Friday.

I did get a signed return receipt for delivery the following week, so I know it was received by the office but I never heard anything further from them.  I'm not surprised, I didn't expect a reply or response of any kind other than the signed receipt the post office required.

Duppie said:

Thanks. Did you ever get a reply from her office?

Did he ask for his Benz back again?

John Greenfield has an update over on

Duppie said:

John Greenfield has an update over on

A more direct link:

A much more complete report and update.  I highly recommend following John Greenfield's streetblog.

I'm going to delete any post I've made to this thread that is not strictly related to Bobby's legal situation.

Would be nice if others would do the same.

Morgan 6 mi said:

This was the update I was looking for (about the car specifically) and thought we would be getting in this thread.

I, too, thought we would be getting a lot more specific information and reporting from the Active Transportation Alliance.  I thought they would be more response to reporting facts to the bicycling (and walking and transportation) community than honoring any "code of silence" commitment they made. 

They should never have entered into such an commitment. 

Greenfield's reporting on the blog has been much more complete and factual.  I don't see how what he reported could have harmed the trial outcome.  I don't see why all the Courtroom Advocates and so intent on refusing to share information.

I'm very disappointed in the Active Transportation Alliance in their participation in the reporting; hopefully they will do better in the future.

Although critical, I will continue to support the Active Transportation Alliance and continue paying my dues and encouraging others who ride bicycles to do the same.

Congratulations. You're getting a real life court advocate , and also a very dear friend of Bobby's, to speak up. First of all, I know I'm probably talking to a brick wall and you're only going to hear what you want. But I'll say it anyway.
Being a court advocate creates a bigger presence in the court room, to the judge, and is documented throughout the whole process. We had to go to a training. We were told to not speak about the case. Just in case we say something the wrong way and it could hurt what we are in the end trying To accomplish. Which is justice. The "code of silence" as you so put it is in place for a reason. No one owes you any information. Jason so kindly tells you all what happens. Which isn't much. Dude wants his car and can't drive. That's it. Plus, it's really hard to hear what goes on in there anyway.
I don't know why you're so adamant about creating a fuss over it. If you really care and want to make a difference, show up to court a couple times, instead of whining that you don't know what's going on. This process is frustrating for all of us involved without some hero with a plea bargain petition (which I signed) complaining about it.
I'm pretty sure you're a grown man. And I don't like talking to people this way, but you need to chill out. Obviously my last post went unnoticed. Tear my post up all you want, but I've kept my mouth shut for awhile. And while I am a court advocate, I won't be posting updates, because it's my responsibility not to. We all want justice. And I'll say again, like I posted before, it's amazing that you all care and want to keep up with everything. It's awesome the outpouring of support. It's important that we all do that for each other, whether you know the person or not. Bobby was my friend, and I won't jeopardize anything for anyone that could stand in the way of a smidgen of justice for this great man not being in our lives anymore. Respect each other, respect us. You will be informed. But there's isn't a whole lot happening, so just relax

Bob Kastigar said:

Morgan 6 mi said:

This was the update I was looking for (about the car specifically) and thought we would be getting in this thread.

I, too, thought we would be getting a lot more specific information and reporting from the Active Transportation Alliance.  I thought they would be more response to reporting facts to the bicycling (and walking and transportation) community than honoring any "code of silence" commitment they made. 

They should never have entered into such an commitment. 

Greenfield's reporting on the blog has been much more complete and factual.  I don't see how what he reported could have harmed the trial outcome.  I don't see why all the Courtroom Advocates and so intent on refusing to share information.

I'm very disappointed in the Active Transportation Alliance in their participation in the reporting; hopefully they will do better in the future.

Although critical, I will continue to support the Active Transportation Alliance and continue paying my dues and encouraging others who ride bicycles to do the same.

Marina Fichera said:

Congratulations. You're getting a real life court advocate ,

I do appreciate what the court advocates are doing. Your attendance in court is letting the court know that there is a large public interest and I appreciate your efforts on behalf of the rest of us.


Being a court advocate creates a bigger presence in the court room, to the judge, and is documented throughout the whole process. We had to go to a training. We were told to not speak about the case. Just in case we say something the wrong way and it could hurt what we are in the end trying To accomplish. Which is justice. The "code of silence" as you so put it is in place for a reason.

Yes, and I’ve talked with other court advocates as well, in the 17th District.  As I said previously, there never heard about remaining silent and not reporting what happened in court.  Maybe they do things differently in the 18th District.


No one owes you any information.

I never said anyone “owes” me information.  I’m just asking for anyone willing to share what they know.  John Greenfield over on is providing many of us with factual information without taking a side, far more information than we’re getting elsewhere.  We’re not “owed” information and we appreciate that John is supplying the information that the ATA isn’t.


If you really care and want to make a difference, show up to court a couple times, instead of whining

I don’t think I’ve been whining; it seems to me the whining has been coming from those who want to see the “code of silence” kept.


This process is frustrating for all of us involved without some hero with a plea bargain petition (which I signed)

Thank you for signing the petition.  I don't consider myself a "hero" however.

I'm pretty sure you're a grown man.

Very grown!  Old, actually.


We all want justice.

On that we agree.

Thank you Marina.

Marina Fichera said:

Congratulations. You're getting a real life court advocate , and also a very dear friend of Bobby's, to speak up. First of all, I know I'm probably talking to a brick wall and you're only going to hear what you want. But I'll say it anyway.
Being a court advocate creates a bigger presence in the court room, to the judge, and is documented throughout the whole process. We had to go to a training. We were told to not speak about the case. Just in case we say something the wrong way and it could hurt what we are in the end trying To accomplish. Which is justice. The "code of silence" as you so put it is in place for a reason. No one owes you any information. Jason so kindly tells you all what happens. Which isn't much. Dude wants his car and can't drive. That's it. Plus, it's really hard to hear what goes on in there anyway.
I don't know why you're so adamant about creating a fuss over it. If you really care and want to make a difference, show up to court a couple times, instead of whining that you don't know what's going on. This process is frustrating for all of us involved without some hero with a plea bargain petition (which I signed) complaining about it.
I'm pretty sure you're a grown man. And I don't like talking to people this way, but you need to chill out. Obviously my last post went unnoticed. Tear my post up all you want, but I've kept my mouth shut for awhile. And while I am a court advocate, I won't be posting updates, because it's my responsibility not to. We all want justice. And I'll say again, like I posted before, it's amazing that you all care and want to keep up with everything. It's awesome the outpouring of support. It's important that we all do that for each other, whether you know the person or not. Bobby was my friend, and I won't jeopardize anything for anyone that could stand in the way of a smidgen of justice for this great man not being in our lives anymore. Respect each other, respect us. You will be informed. But there's isn't a whole lot happening, so just relax

Bob Kastigar said:

Morgan 6 mi said:

This was the update I was looking for (about the car specifically) and thought we would be getting in this thread.

I, too, thought we would be getting a lot more specific information and reporting from the Active Transportation Alliance.  I thought they would be more response to reporting facts to the bicycling (and walking and transportation) community than honoring any "code of silence" commitment they made. 

They should never have entered into such an commitment. 

Greenfield's reporting on the blog has been much more complete and factual.  I don't see how what he reported could have harmed the trial outcome.  I don't see why all the Courtroom Advocates and so intent on refusing to share information.

I'm very disappointed in the Active Transportation Alliance in their participation in the reporting; hopefully they will do better in the future.

Although critical, I will continue to support the Active Transportation Alliance and continue paying my dues and encouraging others who ride bicycles to do the same.

Jason explicitly recommended that you get your coverage from the media if you're not willing to participate in the court advocate process or attend independently. 

I don't think Active Trans has ever invested to this degree in sustaining an organized effort to get justice for a slain cyclist, and I strongly approve of the work being done here.

Bob Kastigar said:

Marina Fichera said:

Congratulations. You're getting a real life court advocate ,

I do appreciate what the court advocates are doing. Your attendance in court is letting the court know that there is a large public interest and I appreciate your efforts on behalf of the rest of us.


Being a court advocate creates a bigger presence in the court room, to the judge, and is documented throughout the whole process. We had to go to a training. We were told to not speak about the case. Just in case we say something the wrong way and it could hurt what we are in the end trying To accomplish. Which is justice. The "code of silence" as you so put it is in place for a reason.

Yes, and I’ve talked with other court advocates as well, in the 17th District.  As I said previously, there never heard about remaining silent and not reporting what happened in court.  Maybe they do things differently in the 18th District.


No one owes you any information.

I never said anyone “owes” me information.  I’m just asking for anyone willing to share what they know.  John Greenfield over on is providing many of us with factual information without taking a side, far more information than we’re getting elsewhere.  We’re not “owed” information and we appreciate that John is supplying the information that the ATA isn’t.


If you really care and want to make a difference, show up to court a couple times, instead of whining

I don’t think I’ve been whining; it seems to me the whining has been coming from those who want to see the “code of silence” kept.


This process is frustrating for all of us involved without some hero with a plea bargain petition (which I signed)

Thank you for signing the petition.  I don't consider myself a "hero" however.

I'm pretty sure you're a grown man.

Very grown!  Old, actually.


We all want justice.

On that we agree.

Perhaps they do things different in other districts. Thats what we were told, and that's what we'll do. It's ridiculous to refer to it as a code of silence. We took the time out to go to a training, and the police officers in this district made sure we don't jeapordize anything in any way.
The information that the ATA gives you is all that anybody knows. It's not in a trial yet. They are 10-15 minute court hearing that are barely made out because the microphones are never on and it consists of one thing at a time. That's all. I wish there was more to talk about. And not everyone that goes is a court advocate. A lot of us have discontinued on this online community for being judged and attacked (referring to another thread not this one). So a lot of people that go "could" talk about it, they just don't come on here. And for what I'm seeing is good reason. The court advocates aren't going to change their minds. If a friend of yours died so horrifically, I would imagine you would do everything that you could and was asked of you by people who deal with this stuff daily to not talk about it.
It's very devastating to not have it all put to rest and have to confront it all the time. I just ask that you be patient. I know you probably don't mean to, but you sometimes come off as very entitled and sometimes I feel like you act like the victim. This is a very traumatizing and dark process, and the way that you come off doesnt help. If you're "very old" I would think that you could wrap your head around that. Or maybe you're just to set in your ways to adjust and see that we are just doing what is asked of us and all so that we can to move on.
I don't have anything else to say to you. You're support for Bobby is noticed and appreciated. But just one more time so it's clear, you get all the info we do from the ATA updates. I have to read the articles just like you to keep up. I know it's frustrating but that's all there is.

Bob Kastigar said:

Marina Fichera said:

Congratulations. You're getting a real life court advocate ,

I do appreciate what the court advocates are doing. Your attendance in court is letting the court know that there is a large public interest and I appreciate your efforts on behalf of the rest of us.


Being a court advocate creates a bigger presence in the court room, to the judge, and is documented throughout the whole process. We had to go to a training. We were told to not speak about the case. Just in case we say something the wrong way and it could hurt what we are in the end trying To accomplish. Which is justice. The "code of silence" as you so put it is in place for a reason.

Yes, and I’ve talked with other court advocates as well, in the 17th District.  As I said previously, there never heard about remaining silent and not reporting what happened in court.  Maybe they do things differently in the 18th District.


No one owes you any information.

I never said anyone “owes” me information.  I’m just asking for anyone willing to share what they know.  John Greenfield over on is providing many of us with factual information without taking a side, far more information than we’re getting elsewhere.  We’re not “owed” information and we appreciate that John is supplying the information that the ATA isn’t.


If you really care and want to make a difference, show up to court a couple times, instead of whining

I don’t think I’ve been whining; it seems to me the whining has been coming from those who want to see the “code of silence” kept.


This process is frustrating for all of us involved without some hero with a plea bargain petition (which I signed)

Thank you for signing the petition.  I don't consider myself a "hero" however.

I'm pretty sure you're a grown man.

Very grown!  Old, actually.


We all want justice.

On that we agree.


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