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Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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This is the first I've heard of a video being available.  Has anyone seen it or is it available to the public?

It's possible to enter an intersection when the light is green (or yellow) and still be in the intersection when the light changes to red.  Cars do this frequently, tho they aren't in the intersection for very long.  For cyclists, it's another matter: we travel slowly so it takes us longer to exit the intersection. 

Is this what happened to Bobby Cann, and why he is being partially blamed for the crash?

What's next?  Will cyclists be required to stop on a green light and wait until the light cycles thru so that they enter the intersection at the start of a green light, and not in the middle or end of the green period?

I've been following the case closely and I missed this too (article from 2014):

Since the video hasn't been publicly available, it's hard to say exactly what happened. 

One page back, Duppie said:

"I went to the hearing today.

A video was shown to the attorneys, defendant, and judge. They all seemed to agree that:"

Was this video shown only to the attorneys, defendant and judge?  Was it part of the hearing process but not made public?  Did the attorneys, defendant, and judge agree to keep this video suppressed?  If so, why?

In retrospect this process seems to have been handled very strangely and secretly.

If they don't put in a bicycle green / yellow / red light, how about having a steady don't walk signal mean bicycles must not enter the intersection?

Tribune story, emphasizing the "cyclist ran a red light" story.

This case and the Wendling case in Morris last summer ( are further proof that laws need to be changed to protect cyclists.  I will be urging the Joliet Bicycle Club leadership to start the process.  I hope we can urge other clubs to join the effort.  There is strength in numbers.  Perhaps together we can start a movement to raise awareness and make change for our safety,... Bike Lives Matter!   

Wow, "Bike Lives Matter".

Glad you can get the gist of it.

I was reprimanded for posting "Bike Lives Matter". Ha ha ha :(

Juan, I noticed and as the others had posted before, I'm still not a huge fan of saying "bike lives matter". I think we can find a better phrase for us that isn't as complicated as borrowing from "Black Lives Matter". 

Something to work on for sure Yasmeen. It feels helpless to not have a voice or a good slogan as a person who chooses to ride a bike for transport among many other things.

"Share the Road" doesn't work.  Drivers interpret that to mean "Get out of the way, your blocking the road and not sharing it."

The Ride On Bobby facebook page gave me a good explanation of how this "402 Conference" works out, so I'll post it here:

"The purpose of a 402 Conference is for the judge to let the defendant know what sentence would be imposed if the defendant pleads guilty. The defendant can accept the sentence, or reject it and go to trial. The ASA is present but does not approve or reject the sentence. The sentence is completely up to the judge's discretion and the decision to accept or reject is completely up to the defendant. Probation for Aggravated DUI charges includes a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 days in jail or 480 hours of community service. The defense requested 480 hours of community service but Judge Hooks insisted on the 10 days in jail. The defense asked for some time to consider so Judge Hooks declared a recess for a couple of hours and when court reconvened the defendant accepted the sentence."


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