Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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Yes, do not let this fade.  There are many many more people who want to see this never fade than there is who might want to see it all just go away.  This first and foremost is about Bobby.  It's also about his family and friends.  And it's also about cyclists specifically and people in general.  

A curious turn of events, how will this affect Sanhamel's new defense attorney?  Now will even further delays in the hearings be added?

Sam Adam Jr. explores running for state's attorney

Sam Adam Jr., 42, the brazen and colorful attorney who represented former Gov. Rod Blagojevich at his first corruption trial, is forming an exploratory committee to run for Cook County state’s attorney in 2016 against Democratic incumbent Anita Alvarez.

No mention in the news about his client allegedly driving drink and allegedly causing the death of Bobby Cann.  It's old news, happening almost two years ago and since forgotten by many.

Interesting, indeed.  I'm not surprised, however, that Bobby Cann's case didn't make it into this particular article.  After all. it's no secret that Sam Adam Jr. makes his living by defending people accused of very bad acts.  

What could prove more interesting for this case, though, is that he is now taking on the office he may seek to take.  Maybe this could make it more of of a "front burner" item for the State's Attorney, if Adams doesn't come up with an attractive plea.  


Reminder; the next hearing is tomorrow,  Thursday, Dec. 4th

Bob Kastigar said:

This e-mail is to inform you that there is an upcoming court event involving the defendant Ryne Sanhamel and case number 13CR1355001.

A hearing has been scheduled for 12/4/2014 at 10:00 AM. This will take place in Circuit Court 127, located at the following address: 2600 South California Ave, Chicago, IL .

Please be aware that there are often multiple cases set on a particular date in this court. The case you are involved in may not be reached on the scheduled day. You may want to check for updates to this information by periodically calling the VINE service or visiting

For more information, contact the county clerk's office.

Thank you,

Cook County Automated Victim Notification System

(Maybe the Court Advocates have been disbanded; they've been awfully quiet lately.  Does the silence they're supposed to maintain mean they can't even post announcements about when the next court date is?  Does the Vow of Silence extend that deep?)


This e-mail is to inform you that there is an upcoming court event involving the defendant Ryne Sanhamel and case number 13CR1355001.

A hearing has been scheduled for 1/15/2015 at 9:30 AM. This will take place in Circuit Court 127, located at the following address: 2600 South California Ave, Chicago, IL .

Please be aware that there are often multiple cases set on a particular date in this court. The case you are involved in may not be reached on the scheduled day. You may want to check for updates to this information by periodically calling the VINE service or visiting

For more information, contact the county clerk's office.

Thank you,

Cook County Automated Victim Notification System

Transcript from the hearing on December 4th:

(Note if you read thru this the initial date for the next hearing was set incorrectly; this was corrected by the end of the transcript.  The next hearing date is January 15th, 2015.)

Previous available transcript from Sept 4th:

Not much response from the court reporters and even less response on the continuing discussion on these hearings, trial, and courtroom activities. 

Is anybody still following this?  Is anybody still discussing this?  Are the silent Court Advocates still attending the hearings?  Is this slowly fading?

Streetsblog is following the case. We're in touch with the Cann family's law firm and victim advocates and will publish an update as soon as there is significant movement in the case.


John Greenfield

Bob Kastigar said:


Is anybody still following this?  Is anybody still discussing this?  Are the silent Court Advocates still attending the hearings?  Is this slowly fading?

Transcript from the Hearing on October 30th:
This was an earlier hearing, the first appearance of the new attorney, Sam Adam.  This was a very short hearing, and continued to a hearing about a week later, on November 7th.  I've been unable to get a copy of the transcript for that hearing.  It's a little difficult to communicate with the Court Reporters. If anyone else wants to try:

In order, hear are the transcripts of the hearings so far:

Sept. 4th 2014:
October 30th 2014:
November 7th 2014  (Missing)
December 4th 2014:

The next hearing is scheduled for Thursday, January 15th, 2015 at 9:30.

Bob Kastigar said:

This was an earlier hearing, the first appearance of the new attorney, Sam Adam.

Was the change of lawyers just to get a higher profile attorney? Or did the previous attorney not work out in some fashion?

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:


Was the change of lawyers just to get a higher profile attorney? Or did the previous attorney not work out in some fashion?

This is just my opinion in order to continue discussion.

You can argue the facts or you can argue the law.

I don't think there's much about the facts to argue.  What happened is pretty clear, there's no false testimony to bring up, and I don't think there's anything new about what happened to discover.

The usual approach is to argue facts to a jury but to argue the law to a judge. 

Sam Adam is an extremely smart, confident, and experienced lawyer.  He knows the law and if anybody is well versed in arguing to apply the law to the facts he's the one to hire to do it. To all of us riding bicycles the application of the law to the facts seems pretty obvious, but many trials have been successfully "won" by arguing a different application of the law to the facts.

One problem, however, is that Judge Hooks may be more knowledgeable about the law than Sam Adams.  At least that's what I was told as I posted in an earlier comment.  From a former judge, now retired, told me that Judge Hooks is very well versed in the law and would be very hard to persuade to interpret and apply the law to the facts.

This is just the hearing stage, pre-trial.  Will Judge Hooks also be the judge if and when an actual trial takes place, or will another judge be assigned to the trial phase?

The next hearing is on January 15th.  Don't be surprised if there another new, or additional attorney.

This may help explain the long delay in the hearing and trial on the death of Bobby Cann:

"However, the police and prosecutors are often careful to take their time in cases of vehicular homicide, to prevent the accused from pleading out to lesser charges and avoiding harsher ones under the double jeopardy laws, according to law enforcement officials."

From the NY Times story:


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