Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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God, this still makes me sick to my stomach to read...painful, painful, painful. Could have been any one of us getting hit by this guy.

Any updates from yesterday's hearing?  Thanks as always to Jason Jenkins, Bob Kastigar, and others for keeping us up to date, NOT forgetting who this is about, Bobby Cann, and making sure justice is done.  


This e-mail is to inform you that there is an upcoming court event involving the defendant Ryne Sanhamel and case number 13CR1355001.
A hearing has been scheduled for 4/28/2015 at 10:00 AM. This will take place in Circuit Court 127, located at the following address: 2600 South California Ave, Chicago, IL .
Please be aware that there are often multiple cases set on a particular date in this court. The case you are involved in may not be reached on the scheduled day. You may want to check for updates to this information by periodically calling the VINE service or visiting

For more information, contact the county clerk's office.  Thank you,
Cook County Automated Victim Notification System

Things seem to be speeding up.  Was anyone at the last hearing on April 20th?  It takes a long time to get the transcripts, up to 30 days.  Was anyone reading this at the last hearing?


I haven't gotten any replies from Jason Jenkings since last November; is he still spearheading this following?  I wrote him an email, and never got a reply.  Is the Active Transportation Alliance still in on this Court Advocate project?

If anybody knows anything, please share it with the rest of us.

I got an email from Jason on 4/6/2015, he's still involved via the ATA.  Thanks for the update, Bob!  

The short (3 page) transcript for the hearing on the Sanhamel hearing on 14 April is at:

This hearing was held before a different judge, Judge Angela Munari Petrone.  No explanation was given for this change.  The only purpose of the hearing was to set another date in the future - and it was set for May 12th!

But there were two  dates between April 14 and May 12th: April 20 and April 28.  I know there was a hearing on April 20th because I already requested a transcript for the hearing on April 20th.  There was a hearing for Sanhamel, and the court reporter was Marlene Kerr.  Of course it will still take some time until this is received.

I haven't requested transcript copy yet for April 28th.  I'll wait until we get the next notice from VINE, the Victim Notification Service.

This is getting a little hard to keep track of.  If anyone was present for any of these hearings and can share some information or give us any understanding of why the judge was different, and why two hearings were held between April 14 and May 12, please let us know.  I'm not on Jason's list apparently.

Anybody able to attend the May 12th hearing?  Let's make absolutely sure Bobby Cann's family sees justice.  A defendant and their attorney would like nothing better than have this fade away from people's memories -- let's not let that happen.  

May 12th? Wasn't that yesterday?

The last hearing was a week ago, May 12th, correct?  Does anyone know how to get updates?  I haven't heard from Jason Jenkins, wondering if anyone was there May 12th.

There was indeed a hearing on May 12th, I called the Court Reporters office to request a transcript and the Court Reporter was Dorlisa Bryant.  It does take a long time to get a copy of the transcript, maybe a month or so.

There was a hearing on 4/20, I requested a copy of the transciprt on 4/21 from the court reporter Marlene Kerr but haven't heard anything back yet.

We're rapidly approaching the 2nd year after this incident.  It happened on May 29th, 2013 and the news and discussion is rapidly fading.  The Court Advocates have been operating under a gag order and won't discuss the hearings and what went on. 

I don't know any other way to find out what's going on, what the status is, what the results of all these hearings are. 

Bob, thanks for the update -- I'm wondering if anyone at AAIM1 is involved in any way in the case and was considering contacting them.

You're right, news and discussion is fading, and if we in this huge cycling community can't do what's needed to keep this IN the news and out there for discussion, I think we're failing in doing what a good community does, which is take care of one another, and as far as I'm concerned we might not be able to take care of Bobby but we can honor his memory by taking care of current and future cyclists.   

Any plans for some heightened visibility on or about May 29th? Are any journalists known to still be keeping tabs on the case? Maybe Keith Griffith, the guy who did the piece in the Reader?

Any plans for some heightened visibility on or about May 29th? Are any journalists known to still be keeping tabs on the case? Maybe Keith Griffith, the guy who did the piece in the Reader? I just sent him an email...


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