Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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Does anyone have any update?  I thought there was another court date on July 25th, but I may have missed something.  

I didn't receive any notice from Cook County Automated Victim Notification System about July 25th, or I would have posted it. 

Post election, do you think maybe the states attorney's office would like to see the publicity and interest in this case wane?

Well, hopefully interest will NOT wane, and I know the ATA has someone new taking over for Jason Jenkins, but last I heard there was probably going to be another continuance requested on the 7/25 date. No idea how the notification system works! 

We'll make sure interest doesn't wane. Talked with cyclists recently and this case is still fresh on so many minds. I hope for the family's sake, this goes to trial soon and they receive an adequate conclusion. Seeing the family at a few of the court dates, they attend just about every date. Active Trans immediately identified a replacement for Jason and they are just as committed to keeping this case top of mind. 

There is a "Cook County Automated Victim Notification (AVN) System"

Administered by VINE:

Go to the VINE link, you can sign up for notifications, either by email, by phone, or both.  You'll need the information about this case, posted on previous posts in this thread.  You'll need to make a 4-digit PIN

Thanks, Bob, much appreciated.

When is the next hearing/trial/court date for this?  It's like it's dropped out of the news!  Are all the recent killings pushing this down the list?

Name: RYNE  SANHAMEL, Identification Record number 2208764
Case ID: 13CR1355001 - Judge William Hooks

Who from the Active Transportation Association is now coordinating this?

The ATA's new Crash Support Programs manager, Cherrell Jackson, is taking over for Jason Jenkins, but I have not heard about the next court date

I tried a name search, no result.  I tried a case number search, only allowed 6 digits and this has 7 digits.

Per Cherrell Jackson of the ATA:

On Wednesday, Sept. 21st the Assistant State's Attorney, Jennifer Coleman, will argue motions on the search warrant.  Hopefully, it will start around 11:00 am.  The previous court date there were only briefs filed.


Please know when more information becomes available, we will let you know.

Briefs filed should be a matter of public record; will the Assistant State's Attorney, Jennifer Coleman, make these available on line?

Just FYI

This e-mail is to inform you that there is an upcoming court event involving the defendant Ryne Sanhamel and case number 13CR1355001. 

A hearing has been scheduled for 10/21/2016 at 10:00 AM. This will take place in Circuit Court 127, located at the following address: 2600 South California Ave, Chicago, IL .

Please be aware that there are often multiple cases set on a particular date in this court. The case you are involved in may not be reached on the scheduled day. You may want to check for updates to this information by periodically calling the VINE service or visiting

For more information, contact the county clerk's office.

Thank you,

Cook County Automated Victim Notification System 


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