We've covered quite a few in the Pet Peeves thread e.g. Salmoning, Shoaling, etc. and I was thinking it's a good time to think about building a Chainlink resource for these terms. What do you think? Do you have terms you use that your non-bike friends and family wouldn't understand e.g. n+1?

So share it here - give the term and the definition and we'll build an Urban Bike Terms resource for The Chainlink. 

Huggers - Usually a newb who is afraid to be too close to the moving cars so they hug the parked cars, risking a dooring crash.

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"Ride alongs" We used this at the shop I worked at in Woodland, CA. Stands for: I was just riding along and I...

Yeah, you were riding along and stripped the threads of your brakes from overtightening, or messed up a chain from trying to remove it with pliers... or bent your wheel because you backed up into it with your car. 


"Lakefront Lance" is one of my favorites. :)

AKA "Fred."

At the risk of violating  John's bad manners proviso  against  calling  out those who choose not to don a helmet...


Orphans are children  wearing  helmets riding with parents  who are not wearing such headgear.

that's a powerful (and descriptive) one

I'm going to make one up (I don't think it has an official term)...

Silent But Deadly - The cyclist passes too closely, without warning, and sometimes as an extra bonus, passes on the right. What if there's a pothole? Say something or get a bell!

"S.B.D." is a good one- not to be confused with flatulence...

Both do stink tho

Ha ha my first thought, too!

"Squirrel" : a rider who cannot hold a line or a steady speed and position in a paceline or pack.

"Hood ornament": rider displaying reckless and/or stupid behaviour in traffic.


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