Bike Grease Stains: The easy way to remove them from your hands & clothes

Source: By Molly Hurford 10/27/15

Lava soap with pumice has always been an old time favorite degreaser bar soap.

You can make your own inexpensive degreaser by talking a wet paper towel and putting a few drops of Dawn dish soap and then take Comet cleanser and sprinkle the powder on the towel and wipe your hands clean with it.

Any other degreaser clean-up suggestions or favorite products you have had success with?

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Waterless hand cleaners like Goop or Gojo work great. My half-gallon-sized Gojo container has pumice mixed in and is topped with a pump.

Waterless stuff creeps me out because I don't really know where it and the grease are going, though it does remove the mess (to somewhere). Whenever I'm working on the car or the bike I use the sink and a bar of Lava, which is really only a few times a year so the bar's lasted for over ten years, now.

It's super counter intuitive sounding, but putting oil on my hands (jojoba, vegetable oil, hand lotion), rubbing it in well and then washing with regular soap works pretty well and isn't as harsh on my hands

For my hands, I use Gojo or similar.

A few weeks ago I inadvertently got some pretty bad grease stains on a pair of pants (synthetic) after a ride. I soaked and scrubbed with OxyClean, let it sit overnight, sprayed again, put them in the washer - perfect!

For clothes, i've had good luck with rubbing the stain with a bar of Fels Naphtha and letting it sit awhile before washing. Also a dose of Dawn dish soap can work.

for hands, +1 on Lava or any pumice soap or a rub of vegetable oil washed off with dish soap works pretty well. 

Don't think i'd use Comet on my skin unless i really needed a hand sanitizer in a pinch.


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