Bicyclist critically injured in Berwyn last week needs your help

Justin Carver, a good friend of a friend of mine, was riding his bike home from his library job last week when a driver turning left at 26th and East in Berwyn failed to yield.  Justin sustained a traumatic brain injury as well as several broken bones. He is still in the ICU fighting for his life after surgery to remove part of his skull and relieve the pressure in his brain.  

The driver who hit Justin only had minimum coverage car insurance, which will not cover his medical bills, let alone his lost income. A donation site has been established to help cover short-term expenses for Justin and his wife Kim, as well as future medical bills. I'm sure he would appreciate a show of support for for his wife from the local bike community as she goes through this extremely challenging time. So if possible, please consider making a donation at this site:


John Greenfield

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Done. I'm glad to see the gofundme link. It seems really difficult for me to write and mail a check. 

But there is already a thread for this topic at:

Multiple threads on the same exact topic water down the conversation and make it more difficult to have a cohesive conversation.

Thanks a lot Tony!

I donated. I hope that others will also.  His medical bills are likely to be enormous.

Done. Thank you for posting.

Sure thing. Thanks Anne and CZ!


Thanks Erin!

Trying to donate and am getting an error message - "this webpage is not available". Are others also getting this message?

Pam, thanks a lot for your intereste in donating. I just clicked on the link above and it worked. Want to give it another try?

Thanks again,

John Greenfield

Tried in Firefox and it worked. I was getting the error message (in multiple attempts) when using Chrome.

Thanks for sharing the donation page and story, John.

OK, cool. Thanks Pam!

Thanks for your generosity Chainlinkers! During the period since I posted this on Friday morning $2,650 has been donated by 69 people, and my guess is that a large number of them are Chainlink members. A total of $3,845 has been raised towards the goal of $5,000, although there are going to be some serious medical bills, so I'm sure anything above that would be much appreciated:

Thanks again folks. This is a wonderful example of how the Chainlink is a great vehicle for local cyclists to support one another.


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