BFF Bikes - New Bike Shop Opening in Chicago this March Geared Towards Women

My friends, Annie and Vanessa are opening a bike shop, BFF Bikes this spring that's geared towards biking/commuting women in Chicago. Women that ride and/or commute on their bikes all need more gear and apparel options and who better to bring it to Chicago than two lady racers that also commute? 

Here's where BFF Bikes can use your help - 
1. Check them out:
2. Fan their BFF Bikes FB page and/or sign up for updates on their website.
3. Get a BFF t-shirt or tune-up or a BIKE when you contribute to their Indie Gogo campaign:

Their campaign is off to a fantastic start but they can still use your help (and you get some pretty great swag in return). Thanks!!

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Well, he did say he wanted to patronize ;)

Lindsey said:

I don't know if you visited their indiegogo page, Brian, but the very first line of their description says "located in Bucktown at 2113 W. Armitage." I think the lack of a phone number is forgivable, since obviously they are not open yet.

Also, your tone seems pretty rude and condescending. Yet another reason why I welcome the addition of an all-female bike shop.

Brian Bender said:

I note there is no mention of where the shop is/will be. You do understand that running a bike shop happens in the physical world, right? Involves messy things like a storefront, street address, phone number, etc.

WOW it only took TWO HOURS for a friendly cycling community mansplainer to show up! Brava! Any other trolls coming to play? 

Also Vanessa, my friend in Oakland CA sent me a link to you guys via my other friend Genevieve at Velo Joy! You're inspiring people all across the country, way to go!

Brian Bender said:

Interesting, I'd like to visit, patronize and wish well.

I note there is no mention of where the shop is/will be. You do understand that running a bike shop happens in the physical world, right? Involves messy things like a storefront, street address, phone number, etc.

VeloJoy! That's a Killer website! 

A co-worked forwarded me the HuffPo article, and I was so happy to tell her I'd already donated to your Indiegogo campaign.  I'm looking forward to seeing visiting the shop.


If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, they have lots of great perks like a tune-up, t-shirt, a shirtband, and a Public bike:

They are a little better than half way there, but the second half is the hardest.  No time like the present to make your contribution.

Thanks  Yasmeen and Lisa!!  for everything!


I'm super impressed how far you guys have gotten so fast!

Probably because this is a store that is well overdue!
Julie Hochstadter said:

I'm super impressed how far you guys have gotten so fast!

i think so too Lisa! We just got an email saying yet ANOTHER bike shop for/by women is opening in Madison!

Active Trans shows BFF Bikes some love with a really nice article...

"Midwest’s first female-centered bike shop to open its doors in spring"

This is great...Thank-you for sharing Yasmeen!

We are having a new perk coming up soon.  watch out!


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