Bad Accident Involving Cyclist in Glenview This Morning

I passed by what looked like a horrific accident at the corner of Glenview Rd. and Wagner at 8:10 this morning. Police/Fire/EMTs already had someone (presumably the cyclist) up on gurney - I couldn't tell what his or her status was.

The bike was a twisted mess; all I could make of it was that it once was a white road bike. It was positioned as if it were on glenview Rd., crossing Wagner, going west on the north side of the street, but given the amount of damage, it may have been dragged/thrown from anywhere within 30 feet of its final location. I couldn't tell what car was involved, or if it was still at the scene. There were a good number of bystanders (witnesses?) there as well.

For those of you that don't know the area, Glenview Road is the ONLY reasonable east-west route through the area. It intersects the North Branch Trail (a huge draw for cyclists, rollerbladers, and pedestrians), and is the only safe route (Golf Rd. to the south, Lake Ave. to the north) to the lakefront and the city from Glenview and the surrounding communities. Despite this, the Village of Glenview seems to only be focused on north-south bike lanes (Shermer) presumably to promote travel to/from/between downtown and The Glen. This road needs bike lanes. I only hope that this poor soul didn't have to pay with his skin for the village to realize this.

I'm sick to my stomach over this - moments earlier I was relishing the idyllic morning weather; perfect for riding in to work, as I'm certain this unfortunate guy/gal was. I couldn't help but wonder if this one of the "regulars" I see every on this stretch of road on my way to and from work. I was consumed by the fact that I didn't wake my wife to say goodbye this morning...

I'll try to get more details as the day goes on and post updates here. If anyone else has news, please do the same.

Please be safe out there.

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sounds horrible.  Praying for the cyclist.

I can't imagine feeling safe riding in the suburbs. The few times I've done it I've felts terrified. The streets are so big and open and fast, and cars legitimately ARE NOT expecting to see cyclists. 

Lack of good east-west bike routes is a significant problem in that area. Glenview Road isn't exactly bike friendly now. I'd agree that it's simply the lesser of the existing evils.

I hope that the cyclist is able to survive and make a good recovery.  I checked several local news sources and didn't find any stories on this crash.  Hopefully there will be some news later.

I've found most drivers on that stretch of Glenview Road to be reasonable about giving me some space (maybe I'm just lucky).

As you get closer to Wilmette there are a few "Share the Road" signs (whatever that's worth), but if bike traffic is going to be funneled through this route by virtue of no alternatives, something needs to be done to make it safer.

You do see a few folks on the sidewalk, but I know first hand that is even more dangerous than taking your chances with the cars - that's how my riding season was cut short last year.

I found this:

I have ridden that stretch and this incident haunts me. I hope the rider is doing ok and suffering no more  than an broken bike.

Yikes. 2-3 times a week, I ride Glenview Rd home from my office. 

I agree that most times it's totally fine. I had an incident last 4th of July weekend (that Friday) where I got hit (or sideswiped, depending on how technical you want to get) on Glenview just west of Crawford, where the lanes split from 1 to 2. 

Luckily for me, I was just bruised and had some nasty road rash. 

But yeah, I think that some drivers out in the burbs aren't expecting, nor understand how to co-exist with cyclists. Maybe some more 'share the road' signs starting at Waukegan road and placed intermittently would help. I don't think the lanes are big enough for an actual bike lane, though.


i ride Glenview road almost every weekday from Harms east to Crawford, and sometimes from Milwaukee av east. There are  groups i see many days riding Wagner or Glenview in the early morning. The road west of Harms is a bit narrower, but it is the only reasonable  through route east/west. i hope the rider makes a good recovery and also that  Glenview doesn't decide to restrict bike traffic there (like Glencoe did on Sheridan years ago,) for "safety concerns."

Many suburb roads are too big and lack bike infrastructure of any kind. We need to continue to work for more, so someday the next generation benefits. Long ride ahead!

The more people on bikes who ride in these spaces, though, the safer we make it. That stretch involved today has many people on bikes who are often safe. It only takes one distracted person driving a car, which may have been the case this morning. Hope the person on bike is OK. Very scary - best thing to do to help? Go out and ride your bike safely through that intersection! Solidarity!

Oddly enough, while looking for more information on bike lanes in Glenview, I found the following agenda item from the Village's web site, which is a resolution to hire a lobbying firm to apply for funding to (among other things) resurface Glenview Road and add bike lanes (2.6 million), under the 2009 stimulus bill:

Also found, an earmark request (denied) from Jan Schakowsky, requesting 1.5 million for the same project (not sure of the date):

If it was a good idea 5 years ago, why wouldn't it be a good idea now? I know of one person who who really like to know...

I ride that part of Glenview road from the NB Trail to the Lake Front. I will sometimes ride the sidewalk just to avoid traffic.  It would be VERY beneficial if they did something to separate the cars from bicycles on that route.

Like someone else said, it is the better route to the lake (east/west) 

This is going to make me think a little while riding it.

Good news: a "non life-threatening head injury" for the cyclist, a 52 year old who was left-hooked. The driver was ticketed for failure to yield:

Hope he has a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the update Andy.
Best wishes for a full recovery to the cyclist.


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