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Apparently, we violate moral order. Who would guess this is the reason drivers hate cyclists.

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Tom Stafford.... didn't he have a few minor hits in the 70s?

She said, "I don't like cycles and skates
And that ain't what it takes to love me
You fool, you fool
I don't like cycles and skates
And that ain't what it takes to love me
Like I want to be loved by you"

I still think it's a combination of jealousy and the fact that they only notice and remember the sight of a bicyclist running through red lights but don't notice or remember the many instances of law-abiding behavior. 

Also, there's that saying that when you're a pedestrian, all drivers are menaces, but when you're driving, all pedestrians are idiots. You can apply that to bicyclists, too.

Many people tend to have a view of a group or a person and that view cannot be shaken regardless of the evolution or changes the group or person has made.  How many of our grandparents had set (and embarrassing) views of certain ethnic groups that could not be shaken with facts?  How many of our parents still don't realize that we eat different foods from the ones we ate when we lived back home?  How many of us remember a distasteful person from high school and are surprised to meet them later in life and find that they have grown up and have maybe even become interesting? 

I think the same goes for the dogs and cats relationship cyclists and motorists have with each other.  Many motorists view cyclists as law breaking menaces.  In some cases that can be true.  More often, that behavior has evolved.  Cyclists do not cut with abandon as they did years ago.  Most will at least look and assess traffic.  More and more pay attention to safety issues.  Motorists may not see this. They still think we eat the same sugared breakfast cereals we did when we were kids.  Alas, cyclists can see every car as that infernal yellow Hummer and not recognize the lady who looks before opening her door or the guy who waited for you to pass the intersection. 

I try to look at the relationship as a process rather than as something static.  Age helps.  I see the evolution.

Still, I think as one sits stuck in traffic wasting money and gas, it can lead to a little jealousy seeing a happy cyclists passing you by. That person will have to channel their jealousy into getting the old Schwinn in to a local shop so it can be made road worthy. They, they too, can experience our joy.

driving a sporty little coupe through some wide open and twisty country road = pretty damn cool

driving a lumbering SUV through congested urban rush hour traffic = a foul and wretched misery

riding a bicycle anywhere = a cascading avalanche of unrelenting fun!!!!!!!!!!

big city rush hour motorists have simply picked the wrong tool for the job at hand. they have only themselves to blame; they bring their pain upon themselves.

sit at any stop sign and watch car after car after car do a "rolling stop"....

moral order...
what a hoot....

...and we all laughed and laughed!

moral odor.... more like....

from the nation that brought you...

manifest destiny (aka: ethnic cleansing)
the bombing of laos and cambodia..
guantanamo.... (still open!)
the public option (oopsie, nevermind)
execution of a citizen without due process... (did i do that?!?)
gov't bailout of the "free market"....

oh yeah!...
shop here!

morals 'r us!!!!!

" people know the rules and by-and-large follow them: keeping in lane; indicating properly; first her turn, now mine, now yours." 

Everytime I drive that^^^ happens LOL!  Where is this mythical place where people respect each other and follow rules meant to keep society civilized?

Drivers (my self included) have witnessed and been a part of road rage and I'm sure if you left the office late, traffic was bad and you need to get to the gym for some stress relieving exercise and you see a group of bikers sitting outside enjoying dinner and drinks or sailing ahead of you to get through the light you'll be at for 3 more changes I'd be angry too.

Keep calm and ride on.

I'll BUY the book for this quote only. "Hitler’s time as an Austrian fixie hipster didn’t leave a good impression"

A lot of drivers I've seen like to go with the herd.  Therefore, mavericks like bicyclists become intolerable.  Even if we obey the law, such drivers see us as a threat to public order because we don't totally conform to their practices.  As for myself, I'll keep on obeying the laws and bicycling, even if it makes me a maverick.


Barry Niel Stuart said:

A lot of drivers I've seen like to go with the herd.  Therefore, mavericks like bicyclists become intolerable.  Even if we obey the law, such drivers see us as a threat to public order because we don't totally conform to their practices.  As for myself, I'll keep on obeying the laws and bicycling, even if it makes me a maverick.

Look at the death toll and the carnage caused by bicyclists versus that caused by automobiles.

Then tell me who has the higher moral order. 

Another Maverick.  ;)

Paragraph 3. "...indicating properly,..."

Just where is this fantastical place where motorists indicate properly?

Good one. How 'bout this?

Anne Alt said:

Another Maverick.  ;)


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