I'm thinking we could leave early on a Saturday, stay the night, and then head back Sunday afternoon. It's about 50 miles, so probably take 5 hours or so. I've never ridden it, so if anyone has a path or suggestions, post em!

Maybe last weekend in May or First in June...?

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The South Shore Line (I think that's the electric) may not allow bikes. Check the Metra site on that first.

Tominator said:
I'm interested. May camp and spend the night or come back on the electric line. Not sure yet.
Yay! I failed miserably last time a friend and I tried to make it past all those steel mills. oil refineries, road locked casinos and nasty ghettos. I will try again.
Hell yeah jaun, I think I'll just ride on your stoker seat if that's cool!

Juan Dominguez said:
Yay! I failed miserably last time a friend and I tried to make it past all those steel mills. oil refineries, road locked casinos and nasty ghettos. I will try again.
Here's my Vote With Your Feet article about biking to the Dunes
with some route tips:

And another article I did for Time Out Chicago about getting there
car-free and bike-free:



John Greenfield
Hells yeah, try again! What route did you take, so we can avoid it. The one posted earlier looks good, I'm asking around and doing some research though. I know there is a way to get there taking mostly bike paths...Not exactly sure what it is yet.
And it's a $15 camping fee, hope it doesn't break the bank!

Juan Dominguez said:
Yay! I failed miserably last time a friend and I tried to make it past all those steel mills. oil refineries, road locked casinos and nasty ghettos. I will try again.
Sounds like fun!!!
video is kinda interesting. i need to get some vacation time and get a good ride under my belt.
I rode from Forest Park to New Buffalo last August. I had considered taking Elliot's route that avoids the Hammond to Gary area, but when it came time to make the decision at the Indiana border, I ended up taking the shorter route right through the urban/industrial areas. I had no problems and actualy enjoyed seeing these rather bombed out areas up close & personal.

I may tag along for the ride to the dunes and a couple hours at the beach and then continue on to New Buffalo.
ok. ive not got the 6th and 7th off work.
I can't go on this ride, but I want to go on a ride later in the summer. I'm looking forward to hearing how the ride goes and how your route works. Maybe you'll want to do a part II in July?
So...has anyone looked into reserving camp sites? Should we all reserve our own, or should we try to get one big one that will accommodate the whole group?


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