Any suggestions on what to do when drivers ignore my polite request to shut their car door?

As I ride, I will occasionally ask a driver of a parked car who has their door wide open to "Watch the door, please." There are times when I look over my shoulder and the door is still wide open. One time I circled back and wrote down the plate number. Does anyone have suggestions on whether it is worth calling 311, for example, and reporting them?

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If you are up for it the original post seems to leave room for a teachable moment as we likely have a clueless rather than evil motorist.  "Hey, one of us could get killed if you leave that door open.  I saw it but you don't want the next biker to plow into you.  Be careful." "Thanks."

If you are not up for it or if you sense its one of those drivers who will not want to listen, keep peddling. You are on a bike so by definition, things are going well. Why ruin your ride? If you need to dwell on the incident, reach around pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for making a nice move around an obstacle.

More often than not, these situations are about cluelessness rather than malice.  That certainly seemed to be the case with my situation.  Opportunities abound for teachable moments if we're up to the task.

David Barish said:

If you are up for it the original post seems to leave room for a teachable moment as we likely have a clueless rather than evil motorist.  "Hey, one of us could get killed if you leave that door open.  I saw it but you don't want the next biker to plow into you.  Be careful." "Thanks."

If you are not up for it or if you sense its one of those drivers who will not want to listen, keep peddling. You are on a bike so by definition, things are going well. Why ruin your ride? If you need to dwell on the incident, reach around pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for making a nice move around an obstacle.


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