Amtrak to Michagan with bikes starts this week, just in time for the fall colors

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Thanks.  I have no problem leaving some gear in the box for the trip.

It is my understanding that come October, all train routes of less than 750 miles will have to be funded by the states.  If that is the case then Michigan will have to support all 5 (10 if you count both ways) trains.  At that point there would be no excuse for having bike service only on the Blue Water. 

For comparison purposes I checked the reservation system for the Carl Sandburg and Illinois Zephyr to Quincy.  The limit on the CS is 4 bikes and on the IZ it is at least 8.  I say at least 8 because the website only allows you to book up to 8 persons (1 bike per person).  The difference is that the CS runs with 3 coaches plus cafe/business class car, where as the IZ has 4 coaches and sometimes 5 plus C/BC.  The limit on the Missouri trains, which parallel the Katy Trail, is 2.  They only have 2 coaches + C/BC

For what it's worth, the Illinois trains don't have bike rack, you put them in an open space at either end of the car.  The only Amtrak trains that have roll on/roll off service, whether with bike racks like CA, OR, WA, and NC or without like IL and MO are state supported.

I am going to try this out on Friday. I  bought a ticket and added the $10 bike fee from Chicago to New Buffalo on Friday. Anybody have any experience with the Blue Water train? I will have commuted to work that day and will have a U lock and cable in my panniers. I assume I will take the panniers off and sit with them during the short ride. Anything I ought to know about rolling the bike onto the train? Thanks.

My only experience is that after I biked to New Buffalo last year (Labor Day weekend), I took the Blue Water train home in the morning. Had no real problems...I waited until everyone else had boarded (not sure this was necessary--maybe it's better to try to get up front), and the conductor directed me toward the end of one of the cars where I put my bike and then sat down in the seat next to it. Was pretty painless.

Arriving at Union Station, I did wait until everyone was off until removing my bike. I think this is a polite thing to do.

Since you're going FROM Union Station, you could ask someone at the gate whether you can board early. They might even want to you. (The New Buffalo station doesn't have an attendant so I couldn't ask anyone what to do there.)

Removing the paniers and sitting with them seems logical. You can stow them above your seat in the luggage compartment.

Have fun!

I've made the trip several times to Kalamazoo.  The cafe car has had a couple of tables removed and 4 bike racks with tie downs have been installed.  Boarding is an issue, I usually roll the bike up the steps slowly using the brakes to anchor the bike in place while I take a step.  It's very narrow and not easy, but the trainmen are pretty helpful and don't seem concerned about the luggage you carry on the bike.  The last time I rode back, the cafe car was a normal one without racks but the conductor let me put my bike in the area of a car normally reserved for wheelchairs.

I am just going one way to New Buffalo on the 4pm train. I am riding to a friend's place in Lakeside and staying the night. The next day I will ride to Kalamazoo and the following day west on the Kal Haven Trail eventually to Fennville. I am getting a ride home from there.  


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