I've been close to installing my window units several times now, but then we cool off and things are reasonably bearable again with windows and a box fan.  Looks like we're supposed to get back down into the 70s in a few days . . .

Who all's getting by without AC, and who plans to do so through the summer?

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Toughing it out left with the 100+ degree weather.

I've managed to get by without AC so far.  I have a unit but it's enough of a pain in the ass to install and get running that I haven't bothered for the last 3 or 4 years.

I caved a few weeks ago on whatever crazy-hot Thursday that was and put in my two small bedroom window units. Took two days to come down from low 90s to mid-80s. Now upper 70s in the bedrooms and low 80s in the rest of the place.

Was away from work for 10 days and forgot what it's like to be in a refrigerator all day; when I came out yesterday the heat felt good.

Still no AC. Closed windows in a one-third-underground condo with a lightly blowing fan and I am doing well.

Not me, I've had to close the windows or let way too much moisture in on a few of the hotter days.  It hasn't rained in a while but there is still quite a bit of humidity in the air and it just condenses on my cool basement tile floors of my garden unit.

Running the AC a couple minutes/hour is much cheaper than mold abatement. 

For some reason my electric usage history seems to show clearly that I started using the AC last August, although it's possible the graph is offset a bit by when the billing happened rather than the usage.

Anyways.... back in the same boat. My apartment was mid-upper 80s yesterday, and sideways rain came in the window about 10 minutes after placing a box fan in it last night...

Looks like we're getting some 50s highs two days from now, so will put off the window units until next spike.

Window unit went back in last night. I have no shame.

Got by without it last year.  Going to get by without it this year (particularly with the help of more brewery-seeking rides).

I'll wait 'til June, but since a friend gave my girlfriend a window unit this winter, I can use both of mine and now I can keep the rest of the apartment coolish in addition to my bedroom, hooray!

Didn't want to do it yet, but the AC got pulled out today, after my wife had an allergy induced asthma attack. I like her more than i like saving a few bucks.

I only use my window unit when it is over 90 degrees, my main cooling is mt Patton fan, I never had an air conditioner in my cars, I love driving with the window open, even in rain and freezing temp weather. So far I haven't broken out the fan or opened my windows, I did the last few nights, left the back door open.

This is known as "two-sixty air" but at home we're missing the sixty part! :)

Jerry Lee said:

I only use my window unit when it is over 90 degrees, my main cooling is mt Patton fan, I never had an air conditioner in my cars, I love driving with the window open, even in rain and freezing temp weather. So far I haven't broken out the fan or opened my windows, I did the last few nights, left the back door open.


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