I've been close to installing my window units several times now, but then we cool off and things are reasonably bearable again with windows and a box fan.  Looks like we're supposed to get back down into the 70s in a few days . . .

Who all's getting by without AC, and who plans to do so through the summer?

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I'll wait 'til June, but since a friend gave my girlfriend a window unit this winter, I can use both of mine and now I can keep the rest of the apartment coolish in addition to my bedroom, hooray!

Didn't want to do it yet, but the AC got pulled out today, after my wife had an allergy induced asthma attack. I like her more than i like saving a few bucks.

I only use my window unit when it is over 90 degrees, my main cooling is mt Patton fan, I never had an air conditioner in my cars, I love driving with the window open, even in rain and freezing temp weather. So far I haven't broken out the fan or opened my windows, I did the last few nights, left the back door open.

This is known as "two-sixty air" but at home we're missing the sixty part! :)

Jerry Lee said:

I only use my window unit when it is over 90 degrees, my main cooling is mt Patton fan, I never had an air conditioner in my cars, I love driving with the window open, even in rain and freezing temp weather. So far I haven't broken out the fan or opened my windows, I did the last few nights, left the back door open.


You really need to move into a building like this.

David P. said:

This is known as "two-sixty air" but at home we're missing the sixty part! :)

Jerry Lee said:

I only use my window unit when it is over 90 degrees, my main cooling is mt Patton fan, I never had an air conditioner in my cars, I love driving with the window open, even in rain and freezing temp weather. So far I haven't broken out the fan or opened my windows, I did the last few nights, left the back door open.

We're ilving on ceiling fans and open windows for now.

Yep. Just have to remember to close the bathroom window before flushing. It's rather noisy........

Haven't put it in yet.  Sort of a pain to carry up from the basement and install and the temperature is going to drop anyways.

I sold mine, prematurely? possibly. But last year was brutal this year seems more normal and even when it's hot during the day it cools off over night. BTW last year was the first time in 15+ years of city/apartment living that I bought an air conditioner.

Mike Zumwalt said:

I got spoiled living a block from the lake, now I'm inland, even when it 96 and 100+ in the apt. A fan would pull lake breezes in. I also would go swimming and cool my core off. If I can find one I'll use it just for the bedroom. It's only June.

It has been pretty humid lately.

Yum... tasty tasty perspective....

I caved and put mine in yesterday. The wife tried to convince me otherwise with her "logic", and "have you been outside lately?" arguments. She even said that others would consider me a "dumb-ass".

If that's what they call folks that are ready for the summer to arrive, so be it.

In Omnia Paratus


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