I'm riding up to Illinois Beach State Park in a few weeks, and I was wondering if I could get some advice. From what I understand, I have two choices: Sheridan or Old Green Bay. Do y'all have any other suggestions?

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I went two weeks ago on the bike paths and it was fine.  From Loyola it's a little under 40 miles.  If you reserve a spot take a look at the map and get one on the lake side.  I had spot 116 and it had its own little trail over to the water.

I prefer Sheridan over Old Green Bay.

There is a bike trail, the Green Bay/McClory Trail, that takes you right there.  It begins around the Wilmette Metra.   Its a mix of paved and crushed limetsone surface. 

If it's between roads - Old Green Bay & Sheridan - I greatly prefer Sheridan over OGB.  That said, I've never riden the Green Bay/McClory Trail.

McClory's not as bad as some people make it out to be.  It's certainly less stressful than being on the road, particularly since Sheridan gets wider and faster up north.

Another vote for McClory/Green Bay. Stress free riding up to Zion and then you just need to get on Sheridan (shoulderless right up by IBSP) for a block or two. The trail does zig zag just a tiny bit on one of the suburbs, I'm forgetting which. I've done Sheridan the whole way before and there were a fair number of stretches that stressed me out. 

The bike "trails" at the state park are cool- especially the area up north past the old power plant.  Lot of abandoned roads.  

Wilmette, possibly?

Agreed that it's great.

Anne B. said:

Another vote for McClory/Green Bay. Stress free riding up to Zion and then you just need to get on Sheridan (shoulderless right up by IBSP) for a block or two. The trail does zig zag just a tiny bit on one of the suburbs, I'm forgetting which.

I did Green Bay and McClory with 2 kids all the way up there this summer from Logan Square. The trails are a breeze - if you grab the channel trail up by Lawrence it is almost all trail riding until Zion (although the "trail" is a marked sidewalk further north for a bit by the naval station). It is well marked. The stretch near Waukegan was the worst (no shade, hot summer sun) with some glass on the gravel path and near the street crossings so be prepared.

Agree about the section around Waukegan. Also there's few places to buy food along this trail. And I find Zion to be pretty craptacular. Although there is a Kmart or something very close to the park entrance in case you need supplies. Campsites 144-149 are nice. 108-149 face west so they are further from the beach but you'd get to see the sunset. Avoid 341-362 - seems to be all RVs in there, at least when I came through. 

Anika said:

I did Green Bay and McClory with 2 kids all the way up there this summer from Logan Square. The trails are a breeze - if you grab the channel trail up by Lawrence it is almost all trail riding until Zion (although the "trail" is a marked sidewalk further north for a bit by the naval station). It is well marked. The stretch near Waukegan was the worst (no shade, hot summer sun) with some glass on the gravel path and near the street crossings so be prepared.

Another vote for Green Bay / McClory trail.  I live downtown. I get my traffic negotiating fix by riding Roosevelt between Michigan and Halsted.  When I ride for recreation  I want to enjoy.

   I have ridden it a few times and likely will go again this month.   To see my route of choice; use Google maps to locate Buckingham Fountain and click on directions, input Illinois Beach State Park choose bicycle. When the route is shown click on the route near Berger Park end of Lake Front Path and drag the route over to North Shore Channel Trail.  Using that change Google says it is 48.3 miles.  Last time I rode,  I stayed on  North Shore Channel trail all the way to Green Bay Road, but that is minor.  On Google maps notice there are some zig zags in the route at, High Land, Fort Sheridan and other places.  Those can be tricky because different communities use levels of maintenance and signage.  Those sections are part of the fun.  Near Great Lakes Navy training is a P turn I missed on my first trip up the trail.  I carry a gps which I got out and read near there.

   I agree with Anika the stretch in Waukegan is the worst.  It is a series of short blocks in open "urban prairie" with numerous stops for cross streets with glass.  Last time, I rode up the street that paralleled  the trail, keeping the trail in sight.   Stay with it though whereas Cameron said go Sheridan from there, I submit it gets  better north of tenth street in Waukegan.

 Here is a link to a guide



Note: What I called a P turn is called Sheridan Underpass in the guide. 

Wow, so many great contributions! Thank you all so much. I think I'm going to take the Channel Trail and McClory.

All of you are awesome!


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