I had a broken tooth (leading to complication and surgery) break my #30daysofbiking landing me in rest and recovery mode. Been told to take it easy too. So, I won’t be able to ride down for a second trip to see the cherry blossoms and I’m bummin’

Any chance all of you could please do me a favor? My painkillers aren’t totally squashing the pain so can you please distract me with spring ride photos, anecdotes of your riding adventures, share your plans for riding season, &/or your funniest riding stories... Please :-)

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Oh no! Heal fast!

Here's a ride from two weeks ago. And yes, we'll be riding up there this weekend - Zion. IL State Beach Park. 

I love fat bikes. They are the bumble bee of bikes and SO fun. Seeing it on a beach makes it even better.

How about seeing one on Dearborn this morning? Yes, they are lots of fun! And this weekend, we'll be riding them again on that same sandy spot on the beach in Zion.

Digging the blue sponge by the sink... and the basket and Brooks saddle also :)

Nice bike! 

Sweet! NBD rocks. Especially when you mix in a fine Brooks saddle. 

I once got a flat tire on the way to work in the middle of a heavy rain. I'm walking my bike and the inner tube starts jutting out so bad it gets jammed up and I cant even walk the bike I have to carry it. I must've looked pretty pathetic as this kind lady pulls over and lets me throw the bike in the back of the SUV and gives me a ride to work. She said she has a son who bikes and would want someone to do the same for him if he was ever in that predicament. I show up at work and relate the story to this coworker and she just blurts out "PIMP MAGNET!"

Aw, that's a great story. 

Oral surgery is about as fun as this.



'Hell Cat', April 2019.

Midnight Bike Ride 4-11-18.  


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