To my shame, I didn't get on a bike today. But did walk with my wife and our son's dog along the beach. What did you do to enjoy this great, rare day?

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Had the honor and privilege of stocking shelves in a grocery store for 8 hours. Though I did enjoy the day when I'd go out for carts and while I was on lunch. : )

I plan to do a nice long ride tomorrow morning.
Tweed Ride!
Still recovering from a virus. I slept late today. My dreams were plesant. I joined an old friend in a trip to a local wrecking yard. The trip was successful. The part that cost $110.00 new was aquired for $11.00. His wifes car is now fixed. I had leftover lunch, and napped for another couple hours. I then rode my bike to the corner store for a lotto ticket. I met a nice young man who just joined the chainlink. We talked a bit about cycling and went on our way. Life is good.
Thanked the lord for the wondrous weather, and rode one of my fair weather fancy rides to breakfast, then the workshop for tinkering and to home from the yoga studio for grocery shopping by cart.
smoked some crack, banged some hooker, robbed a store, ran from the cops, hid in a dumpster, went to the laundrymat, hid in the bathroom while I washed my clothes and then stopped off at the local pub for a drink.

studio art in a studio....and CAD.

Also managed to squeeze in an episode of Monk. He gets a dog.
Tweed Ride.
Mountain biking at Des Plaines Trail. I called my buddy, as he was thinking about riding also. It was wonderful! One can take the blue line with bike( limit two per car) to cumberland stop. Bike north to Dee road where trail begins. Thanks for starting this feeling!
Thanks Clark. I live near thee and will benefit from your hard work! Way to go! P.S. Looks like everyone had cool days, even the shelve stocking---but enjoying getting the carts day! Lets hope today is just like it, at least in attitude. Mine will be oil change / brake job / clean the gutters day. But also get in a little ride / cook a good meal day. Sorry God, skipping Church this morning---but thanks for another good day!
Tweed Ride!
Bought a new Jamis Dakar XCR. I can be found casually punishing myself in a state park this afternoon, which looks to be as nice or nicer than yesterday. Bikes are fun.


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