A Call to Arms in support of the Manor Greenway project!


Major opposition to this project is building from residents of the Ravenswood Manor neighborhood.  An on-line petition has been started (it only has 25 signatures so far).  

A major breach in the path along the Chicago River is between Lawrence Avenue and Montrose Avenue, between Ronan Park on the north and Horner Park on the south.  Many years ago this land along the river was ceded to private homeowners by the Water Reclamation District, then know at then known as the Sanitary District.  One of the efforts to fill the missing links has been this project.  

Several month ago a meeting was held.  Another meeting is scheduled on Thursday, September 22nd, at 6:30 PM at the Horner Park field house on the south east corner of Montrose and California.

A large turnout from the bicycle community would be very helpful to show support for the Chicago Department of Transportation which is proposing this project.  It's supported by the 33rd Ward as well.  But a large turnout of opposition is expected, larger than attended the first meeting.  So a larger turnout of supporters, quietly indicating the support and need for this greenway access between the two parks and street is needed.

Mark this on your calendars with the date and time.  Please make every effort to attend.

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I've been to too many public meetings over the past few months, and I hear the refrain over and over, "No one ever told me!" It doesn't matter how much outreach you do, emails you send, how much press you get. Heard that again last night.

My theory on rudeness at these things is that they want to intimidate people with a conflicting point of view. I certainly talked to a number of people for it, and heard the loudest applause when someone spoke in support of the test if that is any gauge of the room. I also saw a number of people who were for it not get called on and then eventually get frustrated/too hot and then leave. 

I stayed until the end and thanked Deb Mell. Not too many Alders out there willing to stick their neck out for progressive solutions like this.

Yes, I agree that much of the rudeness was intended to intimidate. 

I sent Deb Mell an email thanking her - for how she handled the meeting, for her commitment to the greenway concept, and hoping that the diverter can stay. Some of the friends I visit in neighborhood have young children and ride bikes, and I would like this project to be a positive thing for them. 


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