5 Cyclists Fell Into Sea When Bike Bridge Collapsed in Rio

This is incredibly frightening. The bridge was just completed in January for the Olympics.

(Photo: Facebook/Eric Poseidon)

Five cyclists were reportedly sent plunging into the sea after a huge wave destroyed part of a newly-built cycle path in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Unconfirmed reports from Brazilian newspaper O Globo claim that at least two people have died after the 50m high bike path alongside Avenue Niemeyer collapsed just after 11am on Thursday morning.

O Globo says that two bodies were recovered from the sea by firefighters, but witnesses claim that five people were on the bike path at the time it collapsed.

One witness told the newspaper they saw a huge wave hit the rocky slope up from the sea to the road and bike path which came up onto the road and drenched the passengers in a passing bus.

Full story: http://www.cyclingweekly.co.uk/news/latest-news/five-missing-rio-de...

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Very scary stuff.


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