This interesting article states that road ragers are more stressed in the early evening hours. What I've encountered while biking and driving seems much worse in the early morning hours. IMO.

It also states that the month of September is the highest rage month for drivers.

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September? Return from vacation.  School bus delays they forgot about.  Sun getting in their eyes near the solstice on E/W roads.

We can all agree on those that drive BMWs?


BMW, Lexus, Benz, pick-up trucks and SUVs in general.

That's a fascinating point. I had to drive to work the other day because I had to go to DuPage County after lunch and the whole time all I thought was "I can't believe people choose to do this every day."

5:45 - end of the day makes sense. It's not cars that are bad but traffic. Traffic sucks as the old expression goes. It'll put even the most sane person on edge.

I generally leave the house in Evanston between 5:30 and 6:30. I am generally to the office in the Loop before morning rush traffic gets bad, and on my way home before the evening rush really gets cranked up. If I'm late on either end, I sure notice the difference, but I think the evening rush is worse than the morning. I assume (with no obvious data to back me up) that in the afternoon people are in worse moods (long/bad day at the office, late for the kid's soccer game, I don't know).

Again, just an anecdotal observation, but on those days when I take the Metra... If I sit in the upper deck, people are generally more courteous letting you exit where the stairs and vestibule meet in the morning than the afternoon.

I will continue to believe people are generally crankier in the PM than the AM.

I see fewer cars in the morning than in the late afternoon/evening. My general feeling is drivers are sleepy and inattentive in the morning and cranky at the end of the day.


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