. . . that you might not be familiar with.

Dunno why, after reading the NSC post yesterday, I forgot that the NSC was today . . . durrrrrrr. My bad. . . .

I hope those that rode or are riding the NSC have minimal chaffing, roadrash or numbness in hands or other important parts.

So here are a few phrases that NSC riders seemed mystified by when I yelled them out (no I wasn't part of NSC but my normal training ride apparently shares part of the NSC route)

1) "LEFT!" - This means, "Hey you, person in the baggy jersey with a helmet from 1992, you're going slower than I am. I'm going to pass you on the left hand side and and you SHOULD GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF SHERIDAN RD."

2) "CAR BACK!" - Meaning, "Hey group of people I just yelled, "LEFT!!!" to, taking up most of the southbound lane of Sheridan Rd. not only am I behind you but there is a car behind you and you should GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF SHERIDAN RD."

3) "STOPPING!" - "Hey guy on your cell phone in a purple NSC shirt. I'm stopping because I have to. No really, I don't want my heart rate to drop below 165 right now and I really don't need a break. You too should stop instead of hitting my rear wheel with your knobby mtb tires."

4) "GET OFF MY WHEEL." - "Salutations fellow pseudo-racer in lycra with a gut on an overly expensive bike (that I'm waaaaayyyy jealous of) that weighs less than my own overly expensive bike. Please move more than 6 inches away from my rear wheel because while I'm happy to be going 27 mph, I'm not doing this for my health I'm doing it because I've had to pee since mile 37, its now mile 52 and my bladder is going to explode and peeing on the side of the road is apparently frowned upon in Kennilworth. Further, I'm pretty sure that if I come upon another NSC group I will have to slow down or stop and you will likely misunderstand "LEFT!" "STOPPING/SLOWING" and instead surge ahead into my wheel in a way similar to the US blindly charging into Iraq searching for WMDs. This will most likely cause a crash and make me angry because while you can probably replace your bike, I cannot afford to replace mine and I was already teased enough in 4th grade for riding a hand-me-down girls bike...the bike I will once again have to ride if you DON'T GET OFF MY WHEEL!!!!!!"

5) "WHEEL!" or "ON WHEEL!" - In case you ever feel like drafting someone (Which I don't recommend if you've never ridden with them before.) This means, "Hello fellow velocipede rider I am majorly impressed with your ability to ride faster than me and push yourself through the wind. I am going to ride my bike at a similar speed very close behind you. Please don't slow down or stop because we will wreck and get hurt."

Thanks for reading.

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Most of the phrases I use on a bike involve 4 letter words and are directed at cars or pedestrians...Usually not other cyclists.
I second that

Gabe said:
Most of the phrases I use on a bike involve 4 letter words and are directed at cars or pedestrians...Usually not other cyclists.
Four-letter words are great, but become greater by adding more letters, like my favorite: "motherf**king co**sucker!!!" I seem to use that with eerie frequency. It has a nice ring to it.
I see, as in M-F'ing C-K-S-KR...I would combine this then with direction on how to use the automobile as in "M-F'ing C#$ckSucker, Why don't you use your F'ing mirrors?"

justJason said:
Four-letter words are great, but become greater by adding more letters, like my favorite: "motherf**king co**sucker!!!" I seem to use that with eerie frequency. It has a nice ring to it.
I like to use the word d!ck a lot. As in, nice turn signal, yah d!ck!!!

elle said:
LOL. Thanks for writing. I just heard the term "scab" used the other week for the first time. Someone was asking for "scabs". I'm sure a lot of you know it's a tire patch but it was news to me.
Simple, Effective...I like it!

Ammo said:
I like to use the word d!ck a lot. As in, nice turn signal, yah d!ck!!!

I thought you liked to use the word penis a lot?

h3 said:
Ammo said:
I like to use the word d!ck a lot.
Me too :-)
Oh man. Let's leave the "Singles - Other" category to the Reader.
Can't help myself! ;-)
Awww Howard...Lemme ask the wifey...She's pretty open. :-)
that was an error. I was just replying the the discussion at hand, not your post Sorry that was unclear, lol.

elle said:
Relax! I wasn't calling you a 'scab' indirectly. I didn't even think about how that might have come off. Sorry.

Ammo said:
I like to use the word d!ck a lot. As in, nice turn signal, yah d!ck!!!

elle said:
LOL. Thanks for writing. I just heard the term "scab" used the other week for the first time. Someone was asking for "scabs". I'm sure a lot of you know it's a tire patch but it was news to me.
thanks! I do what I can =)

elle said:
Eh, misunderstanding. Nice NICE chopper BTW. You defiantly know how to ride in style.

Ammo said:
that was an error. I was just replying the the discussion at hand, not your post Sorry that was unclear, lol.


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