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Terrible. They needed more than 10 days.
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.

Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.
The state attorney should be fired, if not sued for gross negligence. This pair should be on trial for 2 counts of attempted murder.
Maybe next time. Feh!

Joel said:
The state attorney should be fired, if not sued for gross negligence. This pair should be on trial for 2 counts of attempted murder.
Sounds like the authorities cannot see life from behind a dashboard. Our state is very car sick, makes me sick and not willing to stop fighting.
too bad I am not a judge.
I would have sentenced that idiot to riding around on a bike for 500 hours wearing a shirt that proclaims
"I murdered a cyclist with my car".

then if they's off to the remote island
with a packet of bean seeds...and good luck surviving my version of 'prison'.


Jeff Schneider said:
Their names are public, their addresses should not be hard to find. People who want to take the law into their own hands (not me!) will not have a hard time doing it.

Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.
10 DAYS?!? WTF is wrong with this judge?
The judge's name is in the article...Cook County Judge Carol Kipperman....NOT THAT I AM IN ANY WAY SUGGESTING SOMEONE DO THIS, but how long do you think someone would get if they intentionally drove their car into her?
Remember that Judges name when elections come up. We could flood her e-mail with our anger.
Good idea.

Davo said:
Remember that Judges name when elections come up. We could flood her e-mail with our anger.
Feel free to comment here. Suntimes and Trib don't allow you to comment. What's up with that?


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