Tour of Albany Park


Tour of Albany Park

Time: September 29, 2012 from 11am to 3pm
Location: Gompers Park
Street: Intersection of Pulaski and Foster by the Samuel Gompers Statue
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map:
Phone: 773-255-6347
Event Type: fun, architecture, history
Organized By: Lee Diamond
Latest Activity: Sep 28, 2012

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I am excited to partner with the Chicago Historic Bungalow Association in our bike Tour of Albany Park.  Community Area #14, Albany Park sits 8 miles northwest of the Loop.  Join us on a historical and architectural tour of the community to discover how it grew from rural farmland into a vibrant, urban neighborhood of sturdy brick Chicago bungalows that today is one of the most diverse in the United States.  A ride through the streets and neighborhoods of Albany Park will also reveal exciting and unique commercial districts and well-planned and plentiful green space.  This tour will be at a leisurely pace with frequent stops and break for refreshments after about 2 hours – cyclists can leave after the break or continue on the tour as they wish. 

Buy Tour $9 |  Buy Tour and 2009 Poster $12

Buy 2009 Poster $5 | Facebook

Chicago Historic Bungalow Association 

CHBA Event Flyer  |  Starting Spot  |  Route

Virtual Tour  |  2009 Poster

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Comment by Tank-Ridin' Ryan on September 27, 2012 at 7:04am

The tour's conducted in English.

Comment by Lee Diamond on September 26, 2012 at 3:36pm

Aramaic actually.

Comment by frederick7 on September 26, 2012 at 3:51am

Will the tour be conducted in English or Spanish?

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