Time: March 11, 2016 from 11am to 2pm
Location: Leighton Criminal Courts building, room 301
Street: 26th and California
City/Town: Chicago, Illinois
Website or Map: http://goo.gl/maps/2bT1H
Event Type: court hearing, bobby cann
Organized By: Cook County
Latest Activity: Mar 11, 2016
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The next hearing is scheduled for 03/11/16 at 11:00 a.m., room 301 of the Leighton Criminal Courts building, 26th and California. If you can attend, please post your attendance on the event so we can share it with Jason from Active Trans. Thanks.
The next HEARING for Ryne Sanhamel. This is a criminal proceeding, not a civil proceeding. The date is March 11th, 2016 at 11am, Judge William Hooks presiding.
Location: Leighton Criminal Court Building Room 301, Judge William Hooks
Street: 2600 S California Ave
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map: http://goo.gl/maps/2bT1H
Phone: 877-846-3445
Defendents name: RYNE SANHAMEL
Case ID: 13CR1355001
Identification Record number 2208764
Date of Birth: 11/07/1984
Age: 29
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