
Goldsprints for MS

Time: March 11, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: Vision Quest Coaching
Street: 2525 North Elston Ave., Ste C200
City/Town: Chicago, IL 60640
Website or Map:…
Event Type: charity bike race, indoor race, goldsprints
Organized By: Spidermonkey Cycling
Latest Activity: Feb 16, 2016

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Snacks and beer will be provided. 

Suggested donation is $25. All money will go directly to our MS team so we'll get a jump start on everybody's fundraising! Quickest female and male sprinter will get fabulous prizes and bragging rights.

What are Goldsprints? NPR had a story on them, and our version is pretty similar. Two people at a time race a quick ~200m effort on a stationary track bike. It's usually about 15-20 seconds. Everyone heckles and cheers and we all drink beer, eat snacks and have a fun time. There are prizes at the end of the night for the fastest times. And there's a suggested donation that goes to BikeMS, who use those dollars for research and to support individuals with MS.

Please sign up for Goldsprints here:

Link to NPR Story:

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