December 31, 2013 at 9:30pm to January 1, 2014 at 12:30am – Pioneer Court (421 N Michigan Ave) This is the best party on wheels. We will be riding around the city and some neighborhoods, as we say goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014. The meet up will be in Pioneer Court, next to Tribune tower wh… Organized by Chase Ranker | Type: social, holiday, new year's eve
January 1, 2014 from 12pm to 3pm – Deer Grove East Forest Preserve (parking lot off Dundee opposite Pepper Tree) Start the New Year off right. Set your odometer to 0 and GO! As many 3-mile (paved, if no ice/snow) loops as it takes to ride off last night's libations. Ride at your own risk - helmets required. Chi… Organized by Bike Palatine Club | Type: resolution/hangover repair ride
January 1, 2014 from 7pm to 11:45pm – Mickey's Tavern (Tonght's ride will be twice as much fun since there wasn't a snow ride last night) Any day there is 2 or more inches of snowfall, come to Mickey's around 7:00pm. Departure is by 8pm; bring lights.… Organized by John | Type: snow, social, winter, play, fun
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