Time: January 1, 2014 from 12pm to 3pm
Location: Deer Grove East Forest Preserve (parking lot off Dundee opposite Pepper Tree)
Street: Dundee Rd @ Pepper Tree Dr
City/Town: Palatine
Website or Map: http://www.bikepalatine.com
Phone: 847-358-0948
Event Type: resolution/hangover repair ride
Organized By: Bike Palatine Club
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2013
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Start the New Year off right. Set your odometer to 0 and GO! As many 3-mile (paved, if no ice/snow) loops as it takes to ride off last night's libations. Ride at your own risk - helmets required. Chili, hot cocoa and braggin' rights are free to all riders! Club donations gladly accepted.
Note: We have CANCELLED this event due to liability-related concerns. Sorry for any inconvenience!
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