Dykes Pedaling Bikes


Dykes Pedaling Bikes

Time: June 6, 2009 from 9am to 2pm
Location: The Totem Pole (Addison & the Lakefront) in Lincoln Park
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.windycitycyclingcl…
Event Type: social, ride, women
Organized By: Ronit
Latest Activity: Jun 4, 2009

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Please join Dykes Pedaling Bikes for our monthly ride. This is a great way to meet other lesbians in a non-bar setting.

Leaving at 9am, we ride from the Totem Pole to Grant Park, stopping at "Queens Landing" (across LSD from Buckingham fountain) at about 9:40 to meet additional riders (you can meet us there if you live downtown). Then we'll turn around and head back north to the totem pole again.

Brunch is at Tweet (5020 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60640) in Uptown. Join us there for brunch between 10:30- 11:00am if you can't ride.

For more info email Ronit - rbezalel at gmail dot com.

Helmets are required. This is a recreational ride for riders of all abilities.

Dykes Pedaling Bikes is sponsored by the Windy City Cycling Club, the Lesbian Community Care Project, and Dykediva.com.

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