"Driver Sends Shocking Message to Cyclists at 4th of July Parade"


Source: road.cc Article by Simon MacMichel 7-5-16

OH MY! Very sad and very sick!

Freedom of speech does not does not protect you if your speech incites violence or encourages the audience to commit illegal or dangerous acts.

(Jon Cunningham gets credit for a lead to this post.)

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"And I'll follow the rules when you hang up your phone, slow the f*ck down, and start using your turn signals."

That is just really poor and uncalled for.

i was visiting columbus over the weekend and happened to attend the doo dah parade, seeing this thing in person.  

the parade definitely embodies & promotes satire (heck, my uncle calls it a "parody of a parade") - most floats elicit groans, eye-rolls, a handful of chuckles, with the occasional cheer and round of applause. many floats are met with a quizzical expression of "i'm not sure what they're going for here."  one of the first groups in the doo dah was a group of Fidel Castros carrying a "make cuba great again" banner, one of the last was a "Cross Fit" float promoting Jesus-on-the-cross-abs and getting your bod fit for God. 

This vehicle, on the other hand, provided the only audible "boos" i heard during the 45+ minute parade.  So the crowd reaction was promising.  i briefly considered riding out in front of him and mounting a temporary protest.  


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