When riding under the tracks do you go between the parked cars and the columns or squeeze into the cars lane?

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Steve 3po said:
Inside all the way for me

I definitely try to stay inside (like a proper mode of transport) as much as I am able.
i ride wabash more than any other street downtown. ive found it best to bike right on the dashed line inbetween the two lanes. this may sound crazy but if youre going the same speed as the cars, who cares if theres one on either side of you
no, i meant like inbetween the two lanes of moving vehicles. i never ride in the door zone on those roads.

M.A.R.K. said:
The door man, the door! Better to take the lane then to get the door.

Brian Ellison said:
i ride wabash more than any other street downtown. ive found it best to bike right on the dashed line inbetween the two lanes. this may sound crazy but if youre going the same speed as the cars, who cares if theres one on either side of you
Myself, I take the lane. No point in risking the door zone. I also try to avoid Lake Street when possible. there are several parallel alternates that work a whole lot better.
You have to be crazy to not take the far right lane. Seriously folks, we have rights! Having to ride with the risk of being doored or run over by some jackass that is trying to park or get into traffic is something bikers don't have to put up with. The other traffic has plenty of lanes to go around and if it is congested most bikers are going the same speed as traffic. If you you need to get through traffic pass in the middle of the lanes to avoid being run into one of the supports. Careful, this can be a dicey route.
I take the lane. To avoid lake street i just jump on the lower wacker access road.
This is a great question as I work off of Lake. I usually take the lane unless traffic has stopped, then I take the outside slowly until I can get back in. Someone else had commented that they turn their lights on when in the outer lane. Great idea, I'm going to start doing that!


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