This Saturday in Palmer Square! Bikes, beer, festival, music and all sorts of fun! Bring your friends and family for one of the best summer festivals in Chicago. Proceeds benifit West Town Bikes. Parade starts at 10am, registration at 9am, festival 11am and goes until 4pm. Come out and join the fun!

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yeah. im suspose to work..but im tryin to switch...its also Kuma's annivers....not so much bikes. but free music and good beer and food and prolly me if i can get it off. starts at noon.
yes! i'll be there. lots of fun last year...
I am really looking forward to this, New Belgium is one of my favorite brewery's. I usually have a no beer before 5pm rule but I think I will have to break it for this event. I hope they have some super rare beers that I have not tried before. My sister lives next to the brewery in Fort Collins and before 9-11 happened she used to fill up a duffle bag with ice and a six pack of Fat Tire along with a 6 pack of 1554 every year to take home on a plane as my christmas present. Was so happy when they started shipping to the midwest.
Wah! - same day as the Blue Island Pro-Am. I would normally say that the Tour de Fat is WAY MORE FUN than a bike race, but I've already committed to attending the race. And a couple of people I know are racing in it this year so I really can't blow it off.

Did I say "wah" or something to that effect yet? oh, right.

If you are the least bit bikey, don't miss this event!
Been waiting for this for months it gonna be awesome!

Kuma's anniversary sounds cool too. Was planning on going to west fest after tour de fat but I think I need to check out clutch
Tour de Fat, Clutch, LATE ride. that's just too much awesome for one day.
I dream of a world where the choices for cyclists to participate in cycling friendly events are ubiquitous and we don't need an events calendar or email or marketing to promote them.

Jamie said:
Tour de Fat, Clutch, LATE ride. that's just too much awesome for one day.

Good times this Saturday, hope to see you there!

This Saturday in Palmer Square! Bikes, beer, festival, music and all sorts of fun! Bring your friends and family for one of the best summer festivals in Chicago. Proceeds benifit West Town Bikes. Parade starts at 10am, registration at 9am, festival 11am and goes until 4pm. Come out and join the fun!
yeah. i have to work till about 4 or 5...depending on when i go in...ill give ya a ring when im on my way up.

alex said:
Been waiting for this for months it gonna be awesome!

Kuma's anniversary sounds cool too. Was planning on going to west fest after tour de fat but I think I need to check out clutch
sounds fun! I'm there!
Good luck, West Town Bikes...we hope the Tour rocks for you all!

Some Active Trans folks will see you there for the good times!

Ethan, with Active Trans
I can't find the schedule, can you post it here?


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