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Good info- thanks for posting the link, Yasmeen.

thanks, i hadn't heard of streetsblog before. they have an attitude, don't they? and they're sloppy: it's not "Northern Illinois Commuter Transit District" or "NITCD". and i didn't care for the blatant and repetitive marketing of "Illinois Bicycle Lawyers".

but it linked to an article on the "Burnham gap". i don't mind that crossing, or those "wide roads with fast traffic" (ave. o!). but it linked to John Greenfield's photostream, and the next photo there shows how they want to connect the sections of the Burnham trail. no more wolf lake on the way to fff?

it also linked to an article about a spur on the South Shore line that would stop at 45th or Fisher. from there you could walk to fff!

Dang, I had hoped to take this to Hudson Lake to ride up to Greenbush and Journeyman but that stop is not accessible to bikes. I hope they change that! 

That being said it's a bit over 30 miles from South Bend to Sawyer so certainly a ride-able distance. I think I feel a CBES ride brewing. 

South shore to add more weekend trains, a few weekday trains, reduce blackout days. 

That is good news. Wasn't able to take advantage of the service this past summer due to my work schedule, but if they truly do add weekday service next year, I will definitely be taking advantage of it.


I still wish NICTD would allow bikes to board(and disembark), from low level stations. I don't think it'd be that hard to lift a bike up and down those stairs on each end of South Shore railcars, but that's just me.

I wonder if there are plans if it goes successfully again this year, to expand the current bikes allowed policy to non-rush hour weekday trains? 


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