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I understand their positive intent- and realize that creating fear in PSA's is in vogue- but as BSNYC points out- this ad might also be understood (by a driver) as "damn, cycling in the city sure is dangerous." then decide to never get on a bike out of fear.
a rational person would never drive in Manhattan unless required to do so for work. ;)

BK said:
I think a rational person can make the connection that the message is all about watching for cyclists. I think it is a clever PSA and I like the analogies. A NYC motorist should see enough cyclists to know that cycling in the city is safe and driver awareness makes it even safer.
It is a good PSA. Fear and guilt are great motivators.
I almost get hit daily because people do NOT look!

It cracks me up when people swerve into the BIKE LANE without looking, just because they don't want to wait two seconds for the car in front of them to turn left! It happened to me twice yesterday (where I almost got hit). When I was a kid I wanted to be the peanut butter of a pb&j sandwich, I just didn't think that I was being metaphorical and was really asking to be smooshed between a parked car and a moving vehicle like two pieces of bread....

By the way, I don't really crack up when people almost hit me...
i like that their not placing all the pressure of a cyclists' safety on the cyclist themselves. it's a reminder that everyone on the road is responsible for everyone's safety.
Great way to put that! !! Icould agree any with you on that. These drivers need to pay more attn; to the road & MAYBE LESS TIME AT THE CELL... :-)

Jackie said:
I almost get hit daily because people do NOT look!

It cracks me up when people swerve into the BIKE LANE without looking, just because they don't want to wait two seconds for the car in front of them to turn left! It happened to me twice yesterday (where I almost got hit). When I was a kid I wanted to be the peanut butter of a pb&j sandwich, I just didn't think that I was being metaphorical and was really asking to be smooshed between a parked car and a moving vehicle like two pieces of bread....

By the way, I don't really crack up when people almost hit me...
i like the way the LOOK logo animates. good spot
Great spot. It's good to see the commercials in the US that promote awareness and is a reminder that not everything on the road has bumpers.
Here is one of my favorite PSAs that I enjoy:
Chicago has a three foot passing law, too!!

jillnerkowski said:
that is quite dramatic. usually thsoe are to remind us to wear helmets and drive defensively, but i guess motorists need to be aware too. they passed a new law in ct. called the three foot law wherin motorists have to allow three feet between them and the bicycle when they pass one.
That fucking rocks!
This really is a great message....and by default, when people LOOK for cyclists, they are also LOOKing for pedestrians and other cars.

Jody.....I think you should have titled this post "the best PSA I've ever LOOKed at"....chuckle, chuckle

Seriously though...AWESOME campaign, love the logo.
Yes, less time at The Cell! Go Cubbies!

buddaa38 said:
Great way to put that! !! Icould agree any with you on that. These drivers need to pay more attn; to the road & MAYBE LESS TIME AT THE CELL... :-)

Jackie said:
I almost get hit daily because people do NOT look!

It cracks me up when people swerve into the BIKE LANE without looking, just because they don't want to wait two seconds for the car in front of them to turn left! It happened to me twice yesterday (where I almost got hit). When I was a kid I wanted to be the peanut butter of a pb&j sandwich, I just didn't think that I was being metaphorical and was really asking to be smooshed between a parked car and a moving vehicle like two pieces of bread....

By the way, I don't really crack up when people almost hit me...


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