my onguard pitbull mini wont open.  it's locked to my bike downtown.   the key turns about 120 degrees but needs to go 180 to unlock.  i hit it with wd40 but no luck .  had been acting up for a while now but always unlocked after 10secs or so.

any tips or advice getting it removed/cut appreciated.  thanks!

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Nope. I thought building security might come out bc it was Parked at cbot , there are cameras all over and sparks were flying, but they are lazy asshats

No passerby a said anything as expected. Though my bike looks like hell and I don't fit the bike thief stereotype.

I would suggest a Abus U-Lock. There a bit more expensive but there lock mechanisms are harder to pick and less likely to jam. I think lock picking is increasing in bike theft.

I have 2 kryptonite u-locks. I oil the shackle entry points with 3 in 1 oil or a product called One Lube when I notice the key sticking mid-turn to open. They're not watertight locks, and I've noticed they often start sticking after I've left them out in the rain (plus there's rust on the shackle entry points). Not sure I'd trust them to open after exposure to cold weather, esp following a rain. 

It's my understanding that Chicago is the lock picking capital of the world.

h' 1.0 said:


Of course, they won't protect against the lock picking epidemic.
Trachea said:

I have 2 kryptonite u-locks. [snip]

The original post here is older so I wanted to drop in an update.

You saved me. My OnGuard pit bull locked up on me today...with my brand new bike attached. Key goes 360 with no results. Power to the People are coming tomorrow. I will be sending the lock back to OnGuard with a nasty gram.

Great to hear!


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