We've got a full group of cyclists/rollerbladers at this point -- thanks to all who have volunteered/shown interest. If anyone really wants to participate, contact me through Chainlink.


I'm looking for people to ride with the Active Transportation Alliance group in the Gay Pride Parade. The parade will be held on Sunday, June 28, in Lakeview in Chicago, starting a bit before noon.

I'm an Active Transportation volunteer, and have worked with the folks at Active Trans to pull this together at the last minute. We can't have a huge group (per the parade organizers), but I would like to make a good showing.

If you're an Active Transportation member, that'd be great but it's not a requirement. It's also not a requirement that anyone who particiates identify as a part of the LGBT community, but I do ask that anyone who participates be supportive of the community. There's also a list of parade rules and participants need to agree to those.

I don't have full details yet (as I said...it's last minute)...but I'll keep people informed as I know things. The parade starts at noon, so we'll need to meet up before that. What time things end partially depends on where we end up in the line-up.

My goal is to get a group that represents Active Transportation and have a ride that's a little different, and a lot of fun. Please get in contact if you're interested, have questions, whatever. Thanks!

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I volunteered a few years ago for CBF, and can vouch that you will never be in the middle of so many deliriously happy people anywhere else (even more than WNBR!).

Highly recommended, lots of fun and gets the word out about ATA. I am a member - count me in.
Thanks for the interest and enthusiasm, John!

We can use more riders, if folks are interested.

John said:
I volunteered a few years ago for CBF, and can vouch that you will never be in the middle of so many deliriously happy people anywhere else (even more than WNBR!).

Highly recommended, lots of fun and gets the word out about ATA. I am a member - count me in.
I'd LOVE to!!!! Just let me know when and where and I'm there!
count me in! (i already sent you an email.) ((i'm the knitter from ravelry.))
Hi Sue,

I can't figure out how to send you a message, but I would be interested in participating if you still need riders.
Thanks Julie, Meghan, and Dottie. I've sent friend requests to those that I don't have email addresses for...the message has my email...please respond to that address and I'll keep you informed on the planning.

Still room for more...
I'm double down. Need a dozen more colorful bike peeps? Can do, just ask.
Sounds like a blast...let me know if you still need more people.
While I would love a dozen more colorful bike peeps...the parade is not so willing to be overrun. Right now I want to check in with the ATA people, who were trying to get in contact with a group. If they don't have anyone, then we'll need a few (5-6) more. If they got in contact with other folks, we could be getting to capacity.

Andrew Bedno said:
I'm double down. Need a dozen more colorful bike peeps? Can do, just ask.
This all sounds about right...including the approximate meetup and the fact that I don't know where exactly since we don't have the info yet on where we are in the parade.

M.A.R.K. said:
For sure.. Just curious to know where the ATA will be meeting up in support in case I can make it down.

h3 said:
M.A.R.K. said:
I have no problem riding if I am available or am able to get down there.. What's the scoop in the pre-parade meet up/when and where?

In past years I think we met up at 11 and the parade started to move at 12-- location was roughly Halsted and Oakdale but I don't think that will be known for sure until shortly before.
Sorry to hear about the foot. I'll keep you on the email list, though, so you know what's up.

ridedirty said:
i can't ride (broken foot, covered in a different thread), but i live in the lakeview area and would be more than willing to help in anyway i can. i'm all about pride, and have been bummed that i won't be able to fully experience it since i'm on crutches. you probably have plenty of able people to help before hand, but if there's something i can do let me know. (bennymiller1383@gmail.com)
Thanks to Sue for leading our effort for the Pride Parade and thanks to everyone for wanting to support the Active Trans "float!"

Ethan, with Active Trans


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