What are your motivations etc…

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Bikes are art to me. I love the harmony of man and machine. I feel "dirty" buying gas...
My ex girlfriend told me that I was unbearable when I didn't ride.

I ride to be a better person.
Because Yes!
i like this question.

mostly to promote alternatives to fossil fuels and to reduce my carbon footprint.
because it is the only physical activity i've ever been able to stick with, besides dance (i grew up in a couch-potato household).
because it makes me feel free.
also because it makes my thoughts stop. i only think clearly on my bike and otherwise everything is a huge muddled mess inside my head.
I was getting on my bike the other day and this guy walked by and said "Trying to save the world?". Stupid question, yes, but it did make me think. This morning I'm pretty sure I've decided that I bike to save me. Call me selfish.
i like that. :)

jessiejane said:
I was getting on my bike the other day and this guy walked by and said "Trying to save the world?". Stupid question, yes, but it did make me think. This morning I'm pretty sure I've decided that I bike to save me. Call me selfish.
Elle obviously it wasn't meant to be . . . .
May I recommend . . . . . . . . myself as replacement for the "ex"
Or perhaps "Anton" since he does it for the chicks and I suspect that he wears less lycra than I do.

Of course, if you don't feel like choosing he and I could joust using BigWheels to win your "love."

elle said:
Your lucky. My ex hated that I loved it. He had his own special way of making me feel like an idiot for riding and, unfortunately, had a real effect on how I view my bike and I stopped riding for a while. Then I phucked up my knee and decided to give it another go through social events for my recovery. Not only has it been helpful for my knee, but I'm re-discovering all the reasons I loved it before.
It's simply empowering and liberating not to mention many of the reasons listed above. I will be a cyclist till the end of time.
Tommie said:
My ex girlfriend told me that I was unbearable when I didn't ride.
I ride to be a better person.

Riding a unicycle gets you a few points but seriously the only way to be "pro" is to rock a disc brake on that baby.

Dude, have you not seen this?


Video_Drome said:
Tommie said:

Riding a unicycle gets you a few points but seriously the only way to be "pro" is to rock a disc brake on that baby.


hahahaha where do u mount the brake lever? on the seat tube?

i've sen clips of unicycles with pegs jumpin on handrails.
I already sent him the $22,000 frn. Serotta pdf. It's time for someone else get on the horse....

Video_Drome said:
Tommie said:
Dude, have you not seen this?

Wow. thats funny shit. someone should send that to bikesnob
- It makes me feel like a little kid again
- It's faster than the bus
- I like to feel the breeze in my hair (helmet)
I love cities, and it's by far the best way to really see neighborhoods, cityscapes, etc.

I'm cheap and lazy, and it's the cheapest, easiest way to get around.

Most people don't do it, so it must be cool.

And riding drunk is the best feeling I know, with (I tell myself) little danger to anyone else.

(The fitness and carbon angles are nice bonuses for me, but probably wouldn't get me to gear up on their own.)


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