Hey guys, I'm looking for a 48cm-49cm touring bike frameset. I have my road bike built up like a touring bike, but, it's just not what I need. Steel frame, hopefully a Miyata is out there with my name on it. Let me know if you are selling, or if you know of anything!

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A vintage mountain bike would probably work great. I think for a frame that small you'd have to use 26 inch wheels anyway.
Damn that's nice, but wow, waaaaaaaaaay overpriced.

Kevin Mulcky said:
On Fri. 6/12/09, Barry Stuart wrote: I just bought a Jamis Aurora from my LBS here in Milwaukee. I believe Jamis has a 49cm frame. I've been very pleased with this bike and its quite affordable price. It handled last week's UPAF/Miller Lite Ride for the Arts 50-mile route quite admirably. I also like its spec and Jamis' design philosophy. Check it out at .
One thing that I discovered about the aurora is that they are sized a little big. I have a 50 and I'm 5'8".

Good luck trying out bikes!

Barry Niel Stuart said:
On Fri. 6/12/09, Barry Stuart wrote: I just bought a Jamis Aurora from my LBS here in Milwaukee. I believe Jamis has a 49cm frame. I've been very pleased with this bike and its quite affordable price. It handled last week's UPAF/Miller Lite Ride for the Arts 50-mile route quite admirably. I also like its spec and Jamis' design philosophy. Check it out at .
Ah- if only you could find a Miyata 1000 or 1000 LT... Many term this bike as the "finest production touring bike ever made".
On Wed. 6/17/09, Barry Stuart wrote: When I got my 55 cm. Jamis Aurora, I traded in a 1997 58cm. Schwinn Passage Danielle, you might try out a 47cm. Jamis Aurora or Aurora Elite, since Jamis' sizing tends to be a bit large. Jamis also tends to proportion handlebar width, crank length, frame tube diameters, and controls to the seat and top tube lengths. This makes for a consistently good ride no matter how tall the bike gets.
Not sure what size it is, but there is a built up small Long Haul Trucker at Ciclo Urbano.

I know someone trying to sell a 48cm soma smoothie. It's steel but it's road racing frame. Contact me if you're interested in her bike and I'll get you in touch with her.

I think it's a 43 cm. It's lil', for sure.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Not sure what size it is, but there is a built up small Long Haul Trucker at Ciclo Urbano.
there's a guy on chi fg who was selling a 50 cm fmiyata frameset.
Ha. I guess it's way way too small.

Stacey E said:
I think it's a 43 cm. It's lil', for sure.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Not sure what size it is, but there is a built up small Long Haul Trucker at Ciclo Urbano.


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