I'm selling a never worn Bern Allston helmet. Never used, tags on, white with a red visor.

$60 OBO

Head over to craigslist to check out my listing http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/5008402064.html

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It's worth mentioning that the Allston helmets fit much smaller than advertised... I normally wear a Large helmet from both Giro and Catlike, but my Allston is an XXL/XXXL.

Good point, Jaik. This helmet is smallish. I have an older Bern Allston in Medium, which fits perfectly. The small/medium doesn't quite fit (though it's adjustable).

I'd recommend this helmet for petite folks or the youth.

That's a pretty good looking helmet.  Do you have it in lime green. . . . . ???

I got mine in matte blue acid wash and really like it. I'd recommend it if you're on the market.


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