I got her to eat from my hand the other day, but it's not enough to pet her yet. I fear that she will get pregnant before I can and once she is she will be totally standoffish. The male is totally standoffish and a gentleman letting her eat before he even attempts to. These ducks have been returning year after year after year. We have a swamp in the backyard in which they can wade in when it rains, and my neighbors have a bird bath. it is really nice cause when I call "my duckies" and open the door hey come a running knowing that stale bread is in hand.

Humans have killed chivalry.

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pregnant? Birds lay eggs then sit on them until they hatch.

But seriously, it is cool that you have ducks in your vicinity. I have been watching a family of Geese in nearby Humbolt park.
yummy, duck for dinner.
Cute! You know what they really love? Pound cake. LOVE it.
Ducks also love June bugs and mosquitos. Having ducks around helps keep the mosquitos down.


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