Hey folks! Our small group had a great time - seriously - on the ride to Madison. Some of us partied too hard...New Glarius Spotted Cow beer is not to be taken lightly. More than 6 and you're toast.........

I finished up my ride on the terrace at the UW student union with a tall cold glass of draft Capital City Brewery Seasonal Ale while I was waiting for the Van Galder bus....unfortunately I think I actually gained 5 pounds on the trip due to all the restaurants and beer!

Still waiting on my friend's photos, which really encompass the party. Kenosha and Racine were stunning and scenic trails to ride, my friends - what a difference from the on-street route!

Naturally I'm getting all nostalgic - - -

Who's with me?!?!

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It was a great trip, and Ludlow is an amazing guy.

I've been looking into getting back to Madison via a west->north route. Take Metra to Harvard. Harvard->Rockford->Freeport->Monroe(WI)->New Glarus(WI)->Madison. This will be on majority trails, even if you don't take the Pecatonica Prairie Path (which looks too rough for riding loaded).

Yes, New Glarus is where the brewery is.
Sweet -- let the planning begin!!!! Believe it or not, Ludlow finally admitted he was tired. However that was after 600 miles on the bike and taking on some terrifying hills on the LaCrosse route, God knows how many beers, staying out all hours for about 2 weeks straight, beating everybody at bowling, pool, and table tennis, having to listen to me snore, etc. etc. He's in Key West, FL for his high school reunion and will be back in a few days to go back to Vegas.

What's that? No, I'm not making any of this up. He's the real deal.

envane x said:
It was a great trip, and Ludlow is an amazing guy.

I've been looking into getting back to Madison via a west->north route. Take Metra to Harvard. Harvard->Rockford->Freeport->Monroe(WI)->New Glarus(WI)->Madison. This will be on majority trails, even if you don't take the Pecatonica Prairie Path (which looks too rough for riding loaded).

Yes, New Glarus is where the brewery is.
The route practically plans itself. Get on the Illinois Grand Trail from Harvard, then at Freeport continue north on the Jane Addams trail to the Badger Trail which goes almost to Madison.



Sweet. I've always wanted to go to Madison.

envane x said:
The route practically plans itself. Get on the Illinois Grand Trail from Harvard, then at Freeport continue north on the Jane Addams trail to the Badger Trail which goes almost to Madison.



Maybe if i get the Schwinn up and running. Might be too much for the fixie.
AWESOME. I've been looking for a good route to Madison!

envane x said:
The route practically plans itself. Get on the Illinois Grand Trail from Harvard, then at Freeport continue north on the Jane Addams trail to the Badger Trail which goes almost to Madison.



Nice work envane x!!! I'll get on MapSource and plot the route for the GPS - if only for myself... We need to locate our "waypoints" or places to stop/eat/camp/hotel. If it becomes necessary hotels are really important for the non-campers, obviously, if camping is at all involved on your route.

Also wondering about the potential bailout plan, as usual.

The less time we spend getting lost the more time we have to relax....maybe hit a few restaurants and bars, play pool, table tennis, darts, bowl, and drink more beer.....
I'm planning a 2-night trip. This will be easy (maybe too easy) daily milage.

1st night:

Pecatonica Forest Preserve:


2nd night:

New Glarus Woods State Park


Bailout is the Van Galder from Rockford, Beloit, or Janesville. Cause there is fuck all else out there.
what's on the trail(s)...limestone? dirt? paved? i want to do this but also want to have the right tires.
I'd love to join the next one, Madtown is my alma mater.
thepete said:
what's on the trail(s)...limestone? dirt? paved? i want to do this but also want to have the right tires.

The trail sections are crushed limestone, like the stuff on the Greenbay/McClory Path. I did them on 28mm tires, which is the skinniest you'd ever want to use for loaded touring in the first place.
mmmm....Maaagma.....aaahhhhh.....mmmmm....then beeeeerrr.....and doughnutss.... (Homer Simpson impression..)

DUDE! What are the mileage totals? I'm swamped - can't get to the big route calculator for a few days... I mean, if we slingshot Metra to Harvard what's stopping us from rolling into town in 1 night or less?

envane x said:
thepete said:
what's on the trail(s)...limestone? dirt? paved? i want to do this but also want to have the right tires.

The trail sections are crushed limestone, like the stuff on the Greenbay/McClory Path. I did them on 28mm tires, which is the skinniest you'd ever want to use for loaded touring in the first place.


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