Take these out of my apartment, and put them to work! Contact me at dandelles@gmail.com for more info or to purchase. I'm easily accessible on the north side and you can come get 'em. 

Thanks for looking!

Velo Orange Tourist Handlebars, never used! List price $25. Yours for $20

Bontrager rear rack, reflector included!, paint not perfect, heavy-duty and great and well-used, list price $45, yours for $15:

Views: 752

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Both still available!

Are either of the racks still available? I might be interested if either of them will fit on my cruiser. 

also interested in the racks... either would look nice on my bike. I'll email you.

Brand new tourist bars and Bontrager rack still available! I need $ and excitement, so am posting to bump this. 


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