Anyone heard about the campaign below or seen this sign?

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Thanks. I was the author of that letter. I doubt that it will change the minds and behaviors of those who are so actively against cyclists there. I think that they are in the minority, but that is cold comfort. I just encourage everybody I can to ride out here. It's the best riding around.

Bill Gotfryd
Julie Hochstadter said:

Wow, an olive branch to say the least. 

Ttrails101 said:

I also found this letter trying to get a grip on the signs and the nastiness.

Good on them. 






Welcome to the community! Let us know if you need any advocacy help.

Bill Gotfryd said:

Thanks. I was the author of that letter. I doubt that it will change the minds and behaviors of those who are so actively against cyclists there. I think that they are in the minority, but that is cold comfort. I just encourage everybody I can to ride out here. It's the best riding around.

Bill Gotfryd
Julie Hochstadter said:

Wow, an olive branch to say the least. 

Ttrails101 said:

I also found this letter trying to get a grip on the signs and the nastiness.

Good on them. 







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