Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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This is a fun discussion! :)

Sporting I meant

h' 1.0 said:

Spotting? That doesn't sound good....

Julie Hochstadter said:

I saw james "ace mann" and we got to ride together for a mile or so. 

Yesterday I saw Luke H. spotting on a divvy!

I saw the notorious dug yesterday heading south on Clybourn (or was it damen ?). He recognized my visor and helmet and bike. I recognized his beard

 I rode about 9 miles with Ifi Susanna yesterday. Was a fun ride.

I saw Jenn James with two of her boys on (in) the bakfiets this morning!

What a treat! I love those boys!

I saw Aaron Bussey and Will at Hop Leaf - we were enjoying some beers.

Aaron saw me 3 days ago outside my company's office building : we now work about 2 blocks from each other. Will works a couple of blocks farther for a competing company.

Hot Tip : buy stock in beer and whiskey related companies ... ha ha ha

I saw Garth and Alex and Lebster at the BtW rally; but that goes without saying....

Not sure who it was, but I have to give a big THANKS to the guy that gave me a pant leg strap yesterday, northbound on Franklin at maybe Monroe about 5:30pm. 


I usually change into shorts but had an event to go to and was struggling to roll my pants while at the stop light, until I heard someone trying to get my attention and passing me the strap - which was of course exactly what I needed.  Awesome!

Last night, I almost ran into Nançois on the LFP and then had as nice a ride with her as one can expect at 7:30 or so in the evening from Navy Pier up to about Addison.

That's funny, I thought it was I who almost ran into Lisa, who actually had the right-of-way at that point (oops!). We agreed we are counting the days until the Navy Pier Flyover! Anyone know when it will be completed?

The first phase of construction began March 24, 2014. The entire path is expected to be completed in 2018. 

Nançois 8.5 said:

Anyone know when it will be completed?

Bummer, that is like 1400 days from now. I am going to have to come up with a new coping strategy.


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