The most distinctive feature of this bike is that it is a very small adult road bike.
It was originally purchased at workingbikes a couple months ago and recovered just last week.
If you think it is your bike, please message me here...or contact workingbikes directly.
I'm sorry I can't show a picture. I'm looking for the owner to provide details about the bike only they would know.
Knowing more info might be able to help us identify friend's bikes (who might not be on Chainlink) that we might not know those details provided on...
If working bikes sold it (new or used), they should have written the serial number on the receipt.
Thanks everyone. We have the serial number. That is how we knew it was sold here/stolen and resold.
As a method of practice, we also take customer's names and phone numbers. Somehow, while the sale was recorded, that vital information is missing. A man brought it in for service and told us he bought it for $50, so we confirmed the serial and recovered it. It has a rare and expensive accessory attached to it which the man was totally confused by. The bike is small with 24" wheels (520s) and the tape and housing is the same colors we built it up with (both are a bit distinctive).
Thanks everyone. Hopefully we can get this bike home today.
I know it's not really the description, but just checking...
Stolen bike
I just looked at that one. Not that bike, but thanks for playing!
It's sort of like Jeopardy, but with a host who is even more abrasive than Alex Trebek.
Paul Fitz, Scrabblor said:
I just looked at that one. Not that bike, but thanks for playing!
First time I've been called abrasive, that I'm aware of...
Now let's get to know the contestants.
actually, we've identified the owner and will hopefully get this sweet sweet ride to its home soon!
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